Detail of a high rise in Montreal. By Phil Deforges at

Welcome to the McGill Business Law Platform

summer academy 2023

McGill BLP SGI Transformative Business Law Summer Academy | 26 – 31 May 2024

With an overall vision of how business law has an impact on both society and on other legal areas, the Professorship in Business Law serves as a liaison between the Faculty of Law and leading practitioners, in Montreal, in Canada and internationally.

Given the central role of business organizations and commerce in today’s world, McGill Law is committed to strengthening teaching, research and outreach in business law.

The McGill Business Law Platform, which the Professorship in Business Law has just launched, will become a hub of excellence in business law on par with McGill Law's other areas of recognized strengths such as human rights, comparative law and public policy.

Key parts of the McGill Business Law Platform are the Seminars in Business and Society, the McGill Business Meter Blog, and the McGill Transformative Business Law Academy.

On June 1st the Academy presented its 2023 Impact Paper, "Sustainable Transformation of Business and Finance: A Democratic Challenge in an Age of Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence". The paper provides policy recommendations that show a path for business law and finance to better account for climate justice, meaningful transparency, and algorithm accountability in the digital age.  

We thank all the faculty, fellows, and distinguished guests who have made the 2023 Transformative Business Law Summer Academy possible. A complete list is available here:

PDF icon Transformative Business Law Summer Academy 2023

The latest in the Business Law Meter

29 Sep 2022

The McGill Law Business Meter Blog is recruiting writers/editors for the 2022-2023 academic year. The Meter provides timely commentary on current developments in Canadian and transnational business law.

31 Aug 2022
In this blog post Professor Darren Rosenblum summarizes their recent paper with Professor Anat Alon-Beck and Judge Michal Agmon-Gonnen which describes how in United States institutional investors play a role in pressuring boards to improve board diversity. The authors argue boards should have a fiduciary duty to diversify as it would offer a practical way to advance inclusion while bolstering good governance.
8 Aug 2022
Review of Chaumtoli Huq, Integrating a Racial Capitalism Framework into First-Year Contracts: A Pathway to Anticapitalist Lawyering (2022)
6 Jul 2022
The U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade abolished the half-century long existing constitutional right to abortion and further raises significant challenges for women’s health and well-being as well as their data privacy. In an era where our every move and conditions are tradeable data, attention now turns to those technology companies which have not only been collecting but also selling highly personal data from women.
26 Jun 2022
For only the second time in history, Canada has qualified for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, hosted by Qatar in November later this year. However, scores of reports detailing human rights abuses suffered by migrant workers essential to the momentous event have led many to question whether a boycott is warranted. In an absence of formal legal recourse and limitations to FIFA’s liability as a non-state and non-business entity, normative approaches may be the only option to hold those at fault accountable.
16 Jun 2022
The use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) across sectors of society has become increasingly ubiquitous. The ubiquity of AI calls into question the ethical implications of its far-reaching use and how jurists can prepare themselves in an AI-driven world. The answer to educating future jurists about the challenges AI poses can potentially be found in law schools. However, many law schools do not yet meaningfully integrate AI in their curricula.


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