MEG@McGill Comprehensive Training
A week of hands-on training experience with MEG imaging
From paradigm design to advanced data analysis
MEG Unit, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
3801 University St, Montreal (Canada)
March 16-20, 2015
Registration deadline: February 27, 2015
Target audience:
Students, researchers and staff with no prior experience with MEG
Participation fees:
- 5-day course: McGillians: $1,000 - Externals: $1,200; (4 groups of 3 people each)
- First day only (full-day lectures): McGillians: $50 - Externals: $100
- Registration
Program overview
Day 1: Full-day MEG/EEG imaging crash course
Principles and foundations: physics, physiology, instrumentation and signal formation, neural oscillations
Typical paradigm designs
Time series analysis and imaging, event-related responses, spectral and time-frequency decompositions,functional connectivity
Next 4 days are hands-on, in small groups (3 per group, 4 groups max)
Day 2: Hands-on practical paradigm design: design your pilot study in small groups
Day 3: Hands-on data collection: collect your own data
Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm (including software training)
Day 5: Advanced data analysis continues and group presentations: what have we learned?
Register now!
Detailed program
Except where indicated, all trainers are members of the MEG@McGill core unit at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Day 1: Lectures
08:00-09:00: Breakfast, Welcome
09:00-13:00: Foundations of MEG/EEG
The physiological origins of scalp signals (Baillet)
Q&A, coffee
Instrumentation & environment (Bock)
Q&A, coffee
Basic signal extraction: ERP/ERFs (Moreau) (30mins)
Spectral analysis (Fourier, wavelet decompositions, Hilbert tranform) (Donhauser)
13:00-14:00: Lunch break
14:00-18:00: Special Emphasis: Signal Analysis of Neural Oscillations, Cross-Frequency Coupling & Functional Connectivity
Neural oscillations (Jerbi, Dept of Psychology, University of Montreal)
Q&A, coffee (30 mins)
Cross-frequency coupling: methods & what do we know? (Samiee)
Q&A, coffee (30 mins)
Methods for detecting inter-regional interactions (Niso-Galan)
Day 2: MEG by example: Design your first experiment
08:30-12:30: MEG by example
Decision-making (Vaidya)
Memory - monitoring (Petrides)
Steady-state visual responses (Chadnova)
Induced visual gamma (Donhauser)
Q&A, coffee (30 mins)
Speech (Donhauser)
Auditory processes (Albouy)
Dynamics of multimodal interactions (Morillon)
Real-time imaging & biofeedback, neurofeedback (Samiee)
12:30-13:30: Lunch break
13:30-17:30: Break-out groups per neuroscience interest: Design your first experiment
Form small focus groups (vision, attention, memory, sensori-motor, etc.)
Brainstorm and design your first MEG study
Used Psychtoolbox script templates
Test in MEG suite
Day 3: Data collection in practice (antomical MRI and MEG: 2 hours max per group)
AM: Groups 1 & 2
Free: Groups 3 & 4
PM: Groups 3 & 4
Free: Groups 1 & 2
Launch Freesurfer pipeline on acquired MRI volumes overnight
Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm
08:00-18:00: Pre-processing/basic analysis on the data they collected
Each group assisted by an MEG expert; includes sofware training with Brainstorm.
Day 5: Advanced data analysis and group presentations
08:00-12:00: Advanced analysis
Each group will be assisted by an MEG expert; prepare presentations for data analysis competition
13:00-15:00: Data analysis competition
Each group presents to the MEG@McGill Team (30 mins each)
Best narrative & analysis wins special prize!