Feindel Brain Imaging Lecture: "An Overview of Respiratory Methods in fMRI" [Dr. Rick Hoge]
"An Overview of Respiratory Methods in fMRI"
Monday, January 26, 2015 at 1:00 pm
de Grandpré Communications Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute.
Dr. Rick Hoge
(BIC Core)
These lectures are named in honour of Dr. William Feindel (1918–2014), former director of the Neuro (1972–1984) and founding director of the BIC (1984–1988).
Dr. Feindel’s presence and contribution will be greatly missed at our weekly Brain Imaging Lectures, where he almost always asked the final, most-germane question of the day: one that usually bridged the clinical and research realms, and that brought together the past, the present, and the future of brain science.
Unless specified otherwise, lectures are held on Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpré Communications Centre of the Montreal Neurological Institute.
To be notified about these lectures and all the other events going on at the BIC, please join the BIC-Announcements Mailing List. For more information, please contact Zografos Caramanos.