My name is Carlota Macedo Leão, a third-year Honours Political Science student minoring in Anthropology. My primary interest lies in socially conscious policy, leading me to participate in various...
My name is Laurence Breton, and I am a U3 Social Work student, with a minor in Indigenous Studies. For the past six years, I have been involved in numerous projects revolving around providing...
My name is Sara Saleem Daredia, and I am currently pursuing a BA degree at McGill University, majoring in International Development and minoring in Environment.
As an ARIA recipient this summer, I worked with Professor Fabian Lange from the Department of Economics and one of his PhD students, Hai Ma, on the project “Building a Database on Special Economic...
My ARIA project, entitled “Enchanted Imaginative Geography: The Literary Production of Space in South Asian Writing,” centers on the literary production of space in the creative process of travel...
Throughout the summer, I have had the pleasure of working on my ARIA project, ‘Translation as Renewal’. Under the supervision of Professor Philip Buckley, I explored a series of articles written by...