About continuing your studies in Veterinary Medicine

International Veterinary Programs

McGill University has entered formal agreements with the following schools of veterinary medicine, and has established pathways for students in the Life Sciences (Biological and Agricultural) Major and the Animal Health and Disease Specialization.

Eligibility: The below pathways assume candidates have taken all of their foundation year-level (U0 or Cegep) science program pre-requisite courses, and follow the recommended course progression for the Life Science (Biological and Agricultural) Major and Animal Health & Disease Specialization in U1 and U2.

What do I need to apply for, at McGill? You need to apply for the B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) degree, Major in Life Sciences. After your first year at McGill, you will be able to declare a Specialization in Animal Health and Disease. All information about applying to McGill, including eligibility, requirements and deadlines, can be found on the Admissions website

Any questions on the McGill portion of these pathways, should be directed to bsc-advisor.agenvsc [at] mcgill.ca. Questions related to eligibility and applying to vet school, must be directed to the vet school in question. 

University of Edinburgh Veterinary School logo

Ross University logo

 SMU logo

Characteristic The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh (R[D]SVS) Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) St. Matthew’s University School of Veterinary Medicine (SMUSVM)
QS World University Ranking (2024) 9 not listed not listed
Length of program (post-McGill) 4 years 3.25 years (no summer break) 3.25 years (no summer break)
Scholarship (tuition rebate) for student following the pathways None, but eligible to apply for R(D)SVS International/Graduate Scholarship of GBP 5,000 per year (competitive award process)

2,000 USD per semester for the first three semesters (lifetime cap of 6,000 USD)

15,000 USD
Minimum GPA 3.4 overall 3.0 overall and in specific courses, no F or D grades in a pre-requisite course designated by RUSVM 2.7 overall
Application fee Waived Waived Waived
Number of spots reserved for McGill students None (all places are offered based on interview performance) 4 per admission term 4 per admission term
Guaranteed interview Yes, provided you are on track to meet all academic entry requirements and provide evidence of some relevant work experience   Yes
Experience needed to apply No minimum requirement, but evidence of relevant animal handling experience is expected 150 hours in a professional veterinary practice No minimum requirement, but evidence of relevant animal handling experience is expected
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