Tenure-track Positions
Assistant Professor in One-Health Based Poultry Production
Professeur adjoint ou professeure adjointe en production avicole basée sur une seule santé
Course Coordinator / Coordinateur des cours
Course Coordinator for Large Teaching Laboratory
Coordinateur/Coordonatrice des cours
Post-doctoral Fellow Positions
There are no positions currently posted. Please consult with individual faculty.
Research Associate Positions
There are no positions currently available
Research Assistant Positions
There are no positions currently available
Technician Positions
There are no positions currently available
Graduate Student Positions
If there are no positions posted, please consult with individual faculty.
Teaching Assistant Positions
Fall term positions are posted by the 3rd (third) Monday of May
Winter term positions are posted by the 3rd (third) Monday of October
Positions may be viewed on the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Human Resources webpage.
Please apply on Workday Human Resources - McGill University
If additional information is required, contact: Ms. ann.gossage [at] mcgill.ca (Ann Gossage)