2022 Program
Program GLSA Conference 2022 Schedule GLSA Conference Final
Sustainability and Accessibility
Day 1 / Jour 1 - 05/05/2022
9:00 - 9:30 Opening Remarks at the 2022 McGill Graduate Law Conference | Ouverture de la Conférence des étudiant.e.s des cycles supérieurs en droit de McGill de 2022
Sandrine Ampleman-Tremblay (VP Academic GLSA/Vp-académique AEDCS)
With guests of honour/avec les invités d’honneur.
- Dean Robert Leckey (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
- Professor Andrea K Bjorklund (Associate Dean Graduate Studies, Faculty of Law, McGill University)
- Miroslaw Michal Sadowski (President, Graduate Law Students Association)
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/81535858533?pwd=NlQ0YmE2TDVyRHdQdnpKRVhDeWxHZz09
Meeting ID: 815 3585 8533 - Passcode: GLSA2022
9:45 - 10:45 Keynote Speech / Invité d’honneur
By Justice Harry Laforme
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/81225826622?pwd=aWRFNExEeXJsSVpmbjNudjBJUGFYZz09
Meeting ID: 873 0843 8558 - Passcode: GLSA2022
11:00 - 12:15 General Conference, Panel I: State, Culture and Adaptation
Moderator: GLSA President Mirosław M. Sadowski (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Paolo Galdenzi - Sapienza University of Rome
Cultural Relations among States: is a Legal Adaptation Required?
Eleonora Iannario - Sapienza University of Rome
Citizenship laws between globalization and survival of national identities
Ilenia Falcetta - University of Turin
Right to culture and self-determination of indigenous law systems: from reception to adaptation under the curtain of international public law
Professor Stefania Parisi, University of Naples Federico II
Michela Tuozzo, University of Naples Federico II
& Francesca Niola Sapienza University of Rome
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/85345852714?pwd=Rjd3dU5YL2VicTZyU1lpU2xldHNSQT09
Meeting ID: 85345852714 - Passcode: GLSA2022
11:00 - 12:15 General Conference Panel II: Adapting Law, Ethics and Risks Regulation to Local and National Realities
Moderator: Prof. Pearl Eliadis (Max Bell School of Public Policy, McGill University)
Olakunle Sunday Williams and Martins Ehikioya Ukpetenan - University of Ibadan
Policing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Corruption, Judicial Excesses and How to Rebuild the Trust: Nigeria Case Study
Michael Thomas Kowalsky - Université de Montréal
A Safe Wager: Risks & Regulation of Cycle-Couriers
Cesar Steven Ramirez Salazar - Cornell University
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84152157661?pwd=ZTU0NXlXMHpVM0tHK2FoSGNqaHFKUT09
Meeting ID: 841 5215 7661 - Passcode: GLSA2022
11:00 - 12:15 General Conference Panel III: New Technologies as a Means of Adaptation or in Need of Adaptation? | Nouvelles technologies comme modes d’adaptation ou en besoin d’adaptation ?
Moderator: Me. Allen M. Mendelsohn (Lecturer at Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Jonathan Brosseau-Rioux - Sorbonne Law School
The Rules on the Service of Process on a Foreign State: Adapting to New Realities and Technologies
Lowri Davies - Swansea University
Enhancing equitable global access to Covid-19 vaccines
Mariangela Barletta - Sapienza University of Rome
Law and technology: Adapting international standards and ethical principles to New Reproductive Technologies (NRTs) and scientific advances
Manon Ferrand - Université de Montréal
Du papier au virtuel : La lente avancée du notariat québécois vers l’acte notarié technologique
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84432665638?pwd=Rm4xSjNGME1SaHduNmlycnk1bXdsQT09
Meeting ID: 844 3266 5638 - Passcode: GLSA2022
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Break / Pause diner
1:00 - 2:15 General Conference Panel IV: Decision Making: from Citizens to Courts
Moderator: Professor Shauna Van Praagh (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Tomer Kenneth - New York University School of Law
Law and Political Epistemology
Aurélie Lanctôt - McGill University
«ON SE LÈVE ET ON SE BARRE » Le mouvement #MoiAussi comme politique du refus et comme pratique de l’autodéfense
Chantelle van Wiltenburg - Yale Law School
A Jurisprudence of Numbers
Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly - University of Toronto
Jurisdictional Fault Lines: Rethinking Section 96 to Protect Access to Justice
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/87182163976?pwd=Z1NuRUxSQWxoTVlEWnZQR0xxQTJVZz09
Meeting ID: 871 8216 3976 - Passcode: GLSA2022
1:00 - 2:15 General Conference Panel V: New Approaches to Human Rights: Striving for Adaptation
Moderator: Professor Nandini Ramanujam (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Rukayat Ibrahim - Dalhousie University
Bridging the gap for adaptation: International Investment Law as a catalyst for economic downturn and human rights violations in developing countries
Patrick Leisure - Masaryk University
Strasbourg, Schools, and the European Convention of Human Rights
Maame Efua Addadzi-Koom - University of Cape Town
No Jab, No Entry’: A Constitutional and Human Rights Perspective on Vaccine Mandates in Ghana
Stéphanie Pépin - McGill University
Rethinking Rights Review and Human Rights Institutions in Canada
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/88255904970?pwd=V2NKY0lpS3VRdVFYT3ZjMlJadWFSZz09
Meeting ID: 882 5590 4970 - Passcode: GLSA2022
2:30- 4:00 Panel VI: Arbitration, Trade & Financial Risks: Conciliation and Adaptation
Moderator: Professor Fabien Gélinas (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Yueming Yan - Singapore Management University School of Law
Institutionalizing the trade-labor nexus in free trade agreements
Sophie Eastwood - Georgetown University Law Center
Investment Arbitration and Public Law: Irreconcilable Interests or Mutual Adaptation
Lucas Clover Alcolea - Cornell University
The arbitration of consumer and employment disputes in the US and Canada: A tale of two jurisdictions
Guillaume François Larouche - University of Ottawa
Adapting the WTO Legal Paradigm on “Like” Products to Include Environmental Considerations: Towards a Green World Trade Organization
Frantisek Liptak - Independent Researcher
Legal adaptation of Special Economic Zones
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84201019451?pwd=Wjkwc0doc3QvNFEyeFZ4UXVDcGZOZz09
Meeting ID: 842 0101 9451 - Passcode: GLSA2022
2:30 - 3:45 General Conference Panel VII: Adaptation, Climate Changes & Environmental Issues I
Moderator: Ivan Vargas (PhD, McGill University, Associate Director of CICADA)
Grace Tian - University of Calgary
A Study of Legal Adaptability in China's Wind Power Development
Paolo Tamase - Yale Law School
A Critical Assessment of Climate Change Litigation before National Human Rights Institutions
Bradley Por - McGill University
Semá:th Lake, Sumas Lake, Sumas Prairie: A Place With Many Lessons
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84825401408?pwd=N2lHYUhmMFFCb2xoLzlBVFRRdk8xQT09
Meeting ID: 848 2540 1408 - Passcode: GLSA2022
12:45 - 5:00
Dean Maxwell and Isle Cohen Doctoral Seminar in International Law/ Séminaire Doctoral du Doyen Maxwell and Isle Iohen en Droit International
Jury: Amy Preston-Samson, Chintan Nirala & Laura Baron-Mendoza.
Opening Remarks by Joanne Sulzenko
Gianluigi Mastandrea Bonaviri (Sapienza University of Rome) in conversation with Andrea Maria Pelliconi (City Law School, University of London)
Cinema and International Humanitarian Law
Luter Atagher (McGill University) in conversation with Chenghuai Xu (University of Edinburgh School of Law)
Beyond Formal Treaty Reforms – Adapting International Trade Law to Environmental Objectives
Federico Suárez Ricaurte (McGill University) in conversation with Gaurav Mukherjee (European University)
Constitutional Law and International Investment Law: 30 Years of Institutional Adaptations in Latin America
Antoine de Spiegeleir (Yale Law School) in conversation with Mariangela Barletta (Sapienza University of Rome)
Dynamics of Legal Invasion: Non-Binding Instruments in Strasbourg
Shuyu Chu (University of Hong Kong; Georgetown University) in conversation with Upasana Dasgupta (McGill University)
Persuaded Return: An Alternative to Extradition with Chinese Characteristics?
Milagros Mutsios Ramsay (Yale Law School) in conversation with Professor María José Lubertino (Buenos Aires University)
The understanding of “otherness”. An application of the hermeneutic theory to the prior consultation right in Peru
Closing Remarks by Isabella Spano (DCL Candidate, McGill University) & Awards ceremony with Ms Joanne Sulzenko
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84403826949?pwd=SFJteS9NZ09lVGZKeHZjMit4aEZxZz09
Meeting ID: 844 0382 6949 - Passcode: intlaw2022
Cocktail Event / 5@7
Venue/emplacement: Faculty Club, 3450 McTavish, Montreal (QC)
From 5:00 to 7:30 – Appetizers & (2) drinks included
De 5:00 à 7:30 – Canapés & (2) breuvages inclus
*For participants, moderators & jurors
* Pour les participant.e.s, modérateur.trice.s et membres des jurys
Land Acknowledgement
English: McGill University is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous Peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. McGill honours, recognizes and respects these nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we meet today.
As this conference is a hybrid event, we also wish to acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous Peoples whose presence marks the lands on which our participants are today standing. These groups include but are not limited too: the Onundagaonoga (Onondaga), the O-ga-xpa Ma-zhoⁿ (O-ga-xpa) (Quapaw), the Chikashsha I̠yaakni’ (Chickasaw), the Mik’maq Peoples, the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Chippewa, and the Wendat Peoples.
French: L’Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d’échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les nations Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. McGill honore, reconnaît et respecte ces nations à titre d’intendant traditionnel des terres et de l’eau sur lesquelles nous nous réunissions aujourd’hui.
Cet évènement ayant une composante virtuelle, nous reconnaissons et remercions également les diverses communautés autochtones qui ont pris soin et marqué l’histoire des terres sur lesquelles nos participant.e.s se retrouvent aujourd’hui. Ces communautés inclus notamment les peuples Onundagaonoga (Onondaga), O-ga-xpa Ma-zhoⁿ (O-ga-xpa) (Quapaw), Chikashsha I̠yaakni’ (Chickasaw), Mik’maq, Mississaugas of the Credit, Chippewa et Wendat.
Day 2 / Jour 2 06/05/2022
9:00 - 9:20 Opening Remarks by the Sustainability Committee / Ouverture du second jour de la conférence par le comité de développement durable
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/85327887342?pwd=TkRBVUhSMVpodHVjSGJLeGRwR1NxUT09
Meeting ID: 853 2788 7342 - Passcode: GLSA2022
9:30 - 10:45 General Conference Panel VIII: Adaptation, Climate Changes & Environmental Issues II
Moderator: Gabriel Lopez (General Director Instituto de Resiliencia y Conservación Global, PhD (University of Leeds))
Francesca Niola - University of Naples “Federico II”
‘Climate adaptation’: the New Challenge of Law Between Science and Jurisprudence
Chenghuai Xu - University of Edinburgh School of Law
Re-examining the Basel Accord: regulatory adaptation to climate related financial risks
Marie Desaules - Université de Neufchâtel
Enforcing international climate change law trough national courts: adaptation(s) at the national level
Room/pièce: 102
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/81521571545?pwd=TGEvMFdnS2lJR3JVckdXYWtZekRhQT09
Meeting ID: 81521571545 - Passcode: GLSA2022
9:30 - 10:45 General Conference Panel IX: Adaptation & Cultural Heritage
Moderator: Professor Tina Piper (McGill University)
Debarati Pal - NALSAR University of Law
Trans-boundary legislative impact assessment of the Kailash Sacred Landscapes: Interpreting legal adaptation through the cross-stakeholder interface
Julia Salamądry - University of Wrocław
Perception of cultural heritage in the light of major changes - examples stemming from the dissolution of Yugoslavia
François Le Moine - McGill University
Adaptation, altération ou déformation ? La convention UNESCO 1970 au Canada.
Mirosław M. Sadowski & Mohammad Amin Zavarei - McGill University
Adapting Established Concepts for Non-Western Contexts: Transitional Justice, Cultural Heritage and the Case of Iran
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84693503844?pwd=UHMwVGo1SVo1cEhSV3FEZ3EzalQ3QT09
Meeting ID: 846 9350 3844 - Passcode: GLSA2022
11:00 - 12:00 Keynote Speech / Invitée d’honneur
Dr. Ljiljana Biukovic (Professor at Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia)
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/82619807203?pwd=V2kxMnhFbjB3V1kzMmZ6N3NMVndkZz09
Meeting ID: 826 1980 7203 - Passcode: GLSA2022
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Break / Pause Diner
1:00 - 2:15 General Conference Panel X: Air & Space Law in Times of Adaptation
Moderator: Ermanno Napolitano (DCL Candidate, McGill University; Fellow Harvard University Solar Geoengineering Research Program)
Stefan-Michael Wedenig - McGill University
Air-Rail Alliances in the Context of Liability and Environmental Protection: Selected Legal Issues
Xiaodao Li - University of Hong Kong
How to Develop International Norms of Safety Zones: Based on an Analytical Framework of the Legal Choice
Andrew Simon-Butler - University of British Columbia
Humankind's Legal and Astronomical Lens
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/86476795539?pwd=TlhXT0NtUHhFU0I5T2ltWTZnUDNzZz09
Meeting ID: 864 7679 5539 - Passcode: GLSA2022
2:30 - 3:45 General Conference, Panel XI: The Lacunas and Potential of International Law Regimes: climate change refugees, ANSAs and feminist movements
Moderator: Professor René Provost (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Lena Riemer - Yale Law School
The Need for Legal Adaptation: How climate change reveals the urgency to reform refugee law to address social and economic rights
Hani El Debuch - Sapienza University of Rome
Armed Non-State Actors in International Humanitarian Law: The Need of Definition for Legal Adaptation
Mariana Romanello Jacob & Alessia Zornetta - McGill University
“Feminist Approaches to International Law” Thirty Years Later: Brief Considerations from a North-South Dialogue
Andrea Maria Pelliconi - City Law School, University of London
Changing legal climate: The need to adapt legal regimes to increasing protection needs of weather-related migrants
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/89698914167?pwd=SVBCT1AydkdkVmU3MW80V2ZGSUFuQT09
Meeting ID: 896 9891 4167 - Passcode: GLSA2022
4:00 - 5:00 Introduction by Dana-Kay Matthews (Scotiabank Scholarship Recipient)
Followed by
5:00 - 5:15 Prizes Ceremony of the Graduate Law Conference & the Scotiabank Seminar
Remise des prix Hosted by Maria Rodriguez
Awards Presented by the Andrea K Bjorklund (Associate Dean Graduate Studies)
Best Contributions to the Scotiabank Seminar (3)
Coups de coeur of the Committee (General Conference) (2)
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
ZOOM: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/83502440962?pwd=ZU5kaXJoRTJ4K0hVVjJiYUlUMFhvZz09
Meeting ID: 835 0244 0962 - Passcode: GLSA2022
Jurors: Dana-Kay Matthews (Scotiabank panels I, II, III), Christina Refhilwe Mosalagae (Scotiabank I), Dr. Olivia Smith (Scotiabank panel I), Professor Frédéric Mégret (Scotiabank panel II), Dr. Kariuki Kirigia (Scotiabank Panel II), Maria Adelaida Bedoya (Scotiabank panel III), Dr. Camilo Gomez Chaparro (Scotiabank panel III) & the Conference Committee (General Conference).
Scotiabank Seminar on adressing Anti-Racism, Diversity and Inclusion/ Séminaire de la Banque Scotia pour contrer le Racisme et promouvoir la Diversité et l’Inclusion
9:30 - 10:45 Scotiabank Seminar Panel I: Protection, Equality & Inclusive Justice / Protection, égalité et justice inclusive
Moderator: Professor Vrinda Narain (Faculty of Law, McGill University)
Yukio Sakurai - Yokohama National University
Adult Support and Protection Legislation in Japan: An Idea of Adaptation in An Aged Society
Alexandrine Lahaie - McGill University
Les femmes en situation de pauvreté au Canada, analyse des lacunes du droit à l’égalité au regard de l’arrêt Gosselin c Québec
Lydia Babcock - University of Memphis
Policing in the Name of ‘Public Health’ and Reproducing Poverty: What COVID-19 legal scholars can learn from Anti-HIV laws
Yuri Alexander Romaña-Rivas - McGill University
Legal Pluralism, Transitional Justice, and Ethnic Justice Systems: The Story of How Colombia is Building a Transitional Justice System Observant of Legal Pluralism
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/82547436560?pwd=cUtUL2QwZk50V2RtVnN2cG1xVHNKQT09
Meeting ID: 899 4482 0342 - Passcode: GLSA2022
12:45 - 2:15 Scotiabank Seminar Panel II: Adapting the Law & Legal Education: Towards Inclusiveness and Anti-Racism
Moderator: Tanya Monforte (Concordia University)
Chante Barnwell - York University
Hate in The Digital Sphere: Zoom Bombing Educational Settings and The Implications on Black Canadian Communities
Gaurav Mukherjee - European University; University of Oxford
The Law & Politics of the Right to Education: Social Movements, Backlash, and the Judicial Role
Akshat Agarwal - Yale Law School
LGBT+ Rights Claiming for Marriage Equality and the Possibilities of Transforming Indian Family Law
Michael Poon - McGill University
Those Who Teach Must Also Do: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion from Legal Education into the Canadian Armed Forces
Ajey Sangai - McGill University
Future of Legal Education: On the intersection of needs, intelligences and capabilities
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/89944820342?pwd=Sk45NVVwZEpLckRrdDB5MlBDUFhWQT09
Meeting ID: 899 4482 0342 - Passcode: GLSA2022
2:30 - 3:45 Scotiabank Seminar Panel III: Adaptation in the Context of Indigenous Peoples Legal Orders
Moderator: Luisa Castañeda-Quintana (DCL candidate, McGill University)
Georgia Storm - James Cook University
Indigenous cultural competence and legal practice in Australia
Chantelle van Wiltenburg - Yale Law School
“The Center Cannot Hold”: Nation and Narration in American Aboriginal Law
Emily T. Behzadi - California Western School of Law
Erasing Columbus from Latin American Cultural Heritage
Esteban Vallejo Toledo - University of Victoria
Legal pluralism and Indigenous legal orders v l’article 7 de la Loi du 30 ventôse an XII
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/82319914786?pwd=QWczbXV5WVdTSmRxbUlwMXo4OUhpUT09
Meeting ID: 823 1991 4786 - Passcode: GLSA2022
4:00 - 5:00 Closing Remarks of the Graduate Law Conference and the Scotiabank Seminar
Cérémonie de fermeture et invité d’honneur
Justice Michael Tulloch of the Ontario Court of Appeal
Introduction by Dana-Kay Matthews (Scotiabank Scholarship Recipient)
Followed by:
5:00 - 5:15 Prizes Ceremony of the Graduate Law Conference & the Scotiabank Seminar
Remise des prix Hosted by Maria Rodriguez
Awards Presented by Andrea K Bjorklund (Associate Dean Graduate Studies)
Best Contributions to the Scotiabank Seminar (3)
Coups de coeur of the Committee (General Conference) (2)
ROOM/PIÈCE: Moot Court
Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/83502440962?pwd=ZU5kaXJoRTJ4K0hVVjJiYUlUMFhvZz09
Meeting ID: 835 0244 0962 - Passcode: GLSA2022
Jurors: Profeesor Evan Fox-Decent (Scotiabank panel I), Clara-Élodie De Pue (Scotiabank panel I), Dr. Olivia Smith (Scotiabank panel I), Professor Frédéric Mégret (Scotiabank panel II), Christina Refhilwe Mosalagae (Scotiabank panel II), Dr. Kariuki Kirigia (Scotiabank panel II), Maria Adelaida Bedoya (Scotiabank panel III), Dr. Camilo Gomez Chaparro (Scotiabank panel III), XXXX (Scotiabank panel III) & the Conference Committee (General Conference).
7:00 Scotiabank Diner – Souper de la Banque Scotia
Venue/emplacement: Lola Rosa Lounge, 276 Ste-Catherine Ouest
(Starter, Main Course, Dessert & (2) Drinks included – Registration Needed
Entrée, plat principal, désert & (2) boissons incluses – inscription requise)
Land Acknowledgement
English: McGill University is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous Peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. McGill honours, recognizes and respects these nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we meet today.
As this conference is a hybrid event, we also wish to acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous Peoples whose presence marks the lands on which our participants are today standing. These groups include but are not limited too: the Onundagaonoga (Onondaga), the O-ga-xpa Ma-zhoⁿ (O-ga-xpa) (Quapaw), the Chikashsha I̠yaakni’ (Chickasaw), the Mik’maq Peoples, the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Chippewa, and the Wendat Peoples.
French: L’Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d’échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les nations Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. McGill honore, reconnaît et respecte ces nations à titre d’intendant traditionnel des terres et de l’eau sur lesquelles nous nous réunissions aujourd’hui.
Cet évènement ayant une composante virtuelle, nous reconnaissons et remercions également les diverses communautés autochtones qui ont pris soin et marqué l’histoire des terres sur lesquelles nos participant.e.s se retrouvent aujourd’hui. Ces communautés inclus notamment les peuples Onundagaonoga (Onondaga), O-ga-xpa Ma-zhoⁿ (O-ga-xpa) (Quapaw), Chikashsha I̠yaakni’ (Chickasaw), Mik’maq, Mississaugas of the Credit, Chippewa et Wendat.