2015 Conference

McGill Annual Graduate Conference in Law
“Inside and Out: Probing the Boundaries of Law”
McGill University Faculty of Law
May 29 – 30, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015


9:00-9:30 - Registration (Ground Floor) 

9:30-10:30 – Skills Development Workshop Part I (Second Floor) 
"Effective and Inspiring Academic Presentations: Finding the Voice to Match Your Tune"
Convened by Marika Giles Samson (DCL) and Dr. Cassandra Steer (Postdoctoral Fellow)

10:30-10:45 – Break | Pause

10:45-12:30 - Skills Development Workshop Part II (Second Floor)

12:30-1:30 – Lunch | Déjeuner (Atrium - Ground floor) 

1:30-1:45 – Introductory Remarks | Discours d’ouverture (Moot Court - Ground Floor) 
Prof. Angela Campbell, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies (McGill) and Vanessa Clermont-Isabelle (LLM), Conference Co-Chair

1:45-3:15 – Panel One: The Dynamics of Corporate Regulation (Moot Court - Ground Floor)
Chaired by: Prof. Richard Janda

Wei-Chung Lin (PhD, University of Nottingham, U.K.)
“Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Project Finance through a Non-Judicial Mechanism? An Analysis of the World Bank Inspection Panel”

Cindy Gagnon (LLD, Université Laval, Canada)
“L’industrie minière canadienne et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE):
de l’engagement volontaire à l’exécution contraignante”

Andrew Bond (JD, University of Notre Dame, U.S.A.)
“An App for That: Local Governments and the Rise of the Sharing Economy”

3:15-3:30 – Coffee Break | Pause café

3:30-5:00 – Panel Two: Legal Actors at the Local, Regional and International Level (Moot Court - Ground Floor)
Chaired by: Prof. Fabien Gélinas 

Cléa Iavarone-Turcotte (DCL, McGill University, Canada)
“Exploring the idea of a user-centred civil justice system”

Silvia Beltrametti (SJD, The University of Chicago Law School, U.S.A.)
“Capturing the Transplant: U.S. Antitrust Law in the EU”

Ksenia Polonskaya (PhD, Queen’s University, Canada)
" The new frontier in investor-state arbitration: reconsidering the personality concept in international law"


6:00-8:00 – Cocktail, Thompson House Ballroom
Introductory Remarks | Discours d’ouverture
Dean Daniel Jutras, Dean and Wainwright Chair in Civil Law (McGill University)

Keynote Speaker | Invité d'honneur
Ms. Louise Otis


Saturday May 30, 2015


9:00-9:30 - Breakfast | Petit Déjeuner (Third Floor) 

9:30-11:00 – Panel Three: Accommodating Social Change and Difference (Third Floor) 
Chaired by: Prof. Nandini Ramanujam

Bradley Por (DCL, McGill University, Canada)
“First Nations Blockades in Canada: Law, Place, Resistance”

Aboubacar Dakuyo (PhD, University of Ottawa, Canada)
“Conflits inter-normatifs au Soudan du Sud: les tensions entre les normes coutumières Dinka et Nuer, et l'état de droit”

Adelina Iftene (PhD, Queen’s University, Canada)
“The Disproportionate Pains of Incarceration: Older Prisoners under the Correctional and Conditional Release Act and s. 15 of the Charter"

11:00-11:15 – Coffee Break | Pause café

11:15-12:45 – Panel Four: Experiences of Legal Pluralism around the World (Third Floor) 
Chaired by: Prof. Kirsten Anker

Amy Preston-Samson (LLM, McGill University, Canada)
“Self-Conscious Reconstitution as the Criterion of Legality: Avoiding Misrecognising Legal Orders”

Jacynthe Ledoux (LLM, McGill University, Canada)
" Les wampums devant les tribunaux canadiens : exploration des limites de la reconnaissance étatique aux frontières de plusieurs ordres juridiques”

Rung-Guang Lin (DCL, McGill University, Canada)
"A Space for Personal Reflection: Rethinking the Obligation of Religious Schools in Taiwan to Accommodate Internal Dissidents”

12:45-2:00 – Lunch | Déjeuner (Third Floor) 

2:00-3:30 – Panel Five: Global Perspectives on Human Rights and Justice (Third Floor)
Chaired by: Pearl Eliadis

Randle DeFalco (SJD, University of Toronto, Canada)
“Probing the Boundaries of International Criminal Justice: The Problem of Indirect Forms of Violence”

Veaceslav Balan (LLM, McGill University, Canada)
“Human Rights Based Approach to Local Development: Sweden, Moldova, Canada”

Amir Seyedfarshi (University of California: Los Angeles, U.S.A.)
" French Interventionalism in the Age of R2P: A critical Examination of the Case of Mali"

3:30-3:45 – Coffee Break | Pause café

3:45-5:15 – Keynote Speaker | Invité d'honneur: Prof. Giorgio Resta 

5:15-5:30 – Closing Remarks | Remarques de clôture (Third Floor)
Benjamin Benezeth (LLM) Conference Co-Chair

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