Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

On this page: 📄 Animal Incident Report Form 🐭 Analgesia 🐭 Anesthesia 🐭 Animal Care 🐭 Crisis Management and Communication Plan SOP 🐭 Experimental Guidelines 🐭 Euthanasia 🐮 MacDonald Campus - Dairy Facility SOPs 🐔 MacDonald Campus - Poultry Facility SOPs 🐷 MacDonald Campus - Swine Facility SOPs 🐭 Occupational Health and Safety 🐭 PHAC Biohazard Information 🐭 Record Keeping, Storage and Disposal of Controlled Substances 🐭 Surgery 🐭 Veterinary Care


Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) provide a detailed description of commonly used procedures. SOPs offer investigators an alternative to writing detailed procedures in their protocol.

Note that the use of the words ‘should’ and ‘must’ in these SOPs is consistent with their defined use in Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) guidelines. The term 'should' indicates an obligation, for which any exceptions must be justified to, and approved by, an Animal Care Committee. The term 'must' indicates a mandatory requirement.

Any deviation from the approved procedures must be clearly described and justified in the Animal Use Protocol application in AMS. Approval of the protocol indicates approval of the deviation from the SOP for that project only.

The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were created and/or revised by the Veterinary Committee and approved by the Animal Policy and Welfare Oversight Committee (APWOC), 3 McGill FACCs or a specific FACC where applicable. They are reviewed every 3 years at most.

The SOPs here are mainly for McGill University sites. If you are in an affiliated Research Institute, please contact your FACC Coordinator to find out if these (or which) apply to your site and where to find your local SOPs.

The Coordinator at:

  • The RI-MUHC (MGH and Glen site) as well as the Shriners Hospitals for Children can be reached via this facc.admin [at] (email).
  • The Douglas Mental Health University Institute can be reached via this tara.thomson.comtl [at] (email).
  • The Lady Davis Institute of the JGH can be reached via this darleen.element [at] (email).

If you have questions or have a recommendation to make, please send an animalcare [at] (email) or talk to the Veterinarian in your area.


Approved SOPs Below


PDF iconSOP 101-Rodent Analgesia REVISED PDF iconSOP 107-Bird Analgesia
PDF iconSOP 102-Rabbit Analgesia PDF iconSOP 108-Fish Aquatic Amphibian Reptile Analgesia
PDF iconSOP 103-NHP Analgesia PDF iconSOP 109-Ruminant Analgesia
PDF iconSOP 105-Cat Analgesia PDF iconSOP 122-Ferret Analgesia
PDF iconSOP 106-Swine Analgesia  



PDF icon SOP 110 - Mouse Anesthesia REVISED PDF icon SOP 118 - Fish and Aquatic Amphibian Anesthesia
PDF icon SOP 111 - Rat Anesthesia REVISED PDF icon SOP 119 - Swine Anesthesia
PDF icon SOP 115 - NHP Anesthesia REVISED PDF icon SOP 120 - Rodent Anesthesia Protocol Lung Physiology Measurements REVISED
PDF icon SOP 117 - Cat Anesthesia PDF icon SOP 121 - Bird Anesthesia REVISED



PDF icon SOP 201 - Rodent Surgery PDF icon SOP 205 - Rodent Tumor Resection
PDF icon SOP 202 - Rodent Stereotaxic Surgery PDF icon SOP 206 - Rodent Ovariectomy
PDF icon SOP 203 - Large Animal Surgery PDF icon SOP 207 - Rodent Castration
PDF icon SOP 204 - Xenopus Egg and Oocyte Collection PDF icon SOP 208 - Rodent Mammary Fat Pad Injection



PDF icon SOP 301 - Rodent Euthanasia REVISED PDF icon SOP 304 - Avian Euthanasia
PDF icon SOP 302 - Large Animal Euthanasia REVISED PDF icon SOP 305 - Transcardiac Perfusion
PDF icon SOP 303 - Fish and Aquatic Amphibian Euthanasia REVISED  


Experimental Guidelines

PDF icon McGill's EHS SOP 401 - Controlled Substances PDF icon SOP 410 - Humane Intervention Points
PDF icon SOP 402 - Tissue Collection for Genotyping - Mice PDF icon SOP 412 - Humane Intervention Points for Aging Rodents
PDF icon SOP 403 - Guidelines Blood Collection Volumes and Frequency PDF icon SOP 413 - Tissue Collection for Genotyping - Rats
PDF icon SOP 404 - Substance Administration PDF icon SOP 415 - Humane Intervention Points for Rodent Cancer Models
PDF icon SOP 405 - Monoclonal Antibody Production - Mice PDF icon SOP 417 - Food and Water Restriction in Rodents
PDF icon SOP 406 - Polyclonal Antibody Production - Rabbits PDF icon SOP 418 - Humane Intervention Points for Animals Used in Training
PDF icon SOP 407 - Polyclonal Antibody Production - Rats PDF icon SOP 419 - Humane Intervention Points for Rodents Models Involving Paralysis
PDF icon SOP 409 - Maintaining Clinical Records PDF icon SOP 420 - Estrous Cycle Assessment in Rodents
This Monitoring Log is to be prepared by the Facility Animal Care Committee as per the approved Animal Use Protocol:
File Monitoring log TEMPLATE
File CMARC NHP Activity Tracking and Procedures Requiring Anesthesia Log


Animal Care

PDF icon SOP 501- Animal Transport and Use Outside of Animal Facilities PDF icon SOP 522 - Environmental Enrichment Program for FishNEW
PDF icon SOP 502 - Environmental Enrichment Program for Rodents REVISED PDF icon SOP 523 - Environmental Enrichment Program for AmphibiansNEW
PDF icon SOP 504 - Environmental Enrichment Program for Rabbits PDF icon SOP 525 - Cat Husbandry
PDF icon SOP 505 - Environmental Enrichment Program for Hamsters PDF icon SOP 526 - Environmental Enrichment Program for CatsNEW
PDF icon SOP 506 - Environmental Enrichment Program for Guinea Pigs
PDF icon SOP 527 - Finch Husbandry
PDF icon SOP 507 - Environmental Enrichment Program for NHPs REVISED PDF icon SOP 528 - Environmental Enrichment Program for BirdsNEW
PDF icon SOP 508 - Rodent Husbandry REVISED PDF icon SOP 531 - Animal Acquisition Receiving and Acclimation
PDF icon SOP 513 - Marmoset Husbandry PDF icon SOP 532 - Vermin Control Program REVISED
PDF icon SOP 515 - Marmoset Feeding PDF icon SOP 533 - Microbiological Monitoring Program
PDF icon SOP 516 - Marmoset Cage Changing
PDF icon SOP 536 - Procedure Room Maintenance
PDF icon SOP 517 - Marmoset Room Sanitation PDF icon SOP 537 - Working in Laminar Flow Hood or Animal Transfer Station or Biological Safety Cabinet
PDF icon SOP 518 - Transportation of NHPs Between Facilities PDF icon SOP 540 - Operating Room Maintenance
PDF icon SOP 519 - Aquatic Animal Husbandry PDF icon SOP 541 - Vendor Approval for Animal Feed and Bedding Suppliers
PDF icon SOP 521 - Macaque Husbandry  


Veterinary Care

PDF icon SOP 601 - Veterinary Care Program PDF icon SOP 614 - Guidelines on Wire-Bottom Caging for Rodents
PDF icon SOP 602 - Rodent Health Monitoring Program PDF icon SOP 615 - Rodent Irradiation
PDF icon SOP 603 - Rodent Quarantine Program PDF icon SOP 616 - Rodent Identification
PDF icon SOP 604 - Bioexclusion Levels for Rodents PDF icon SOP 619 - Common Rodent Treatment
PDF icon SOP 605 - Rodent Import
PDF icon SOP 622 - Marmoset Health Monitoring Program
PDF icon SOP 606 - Reporting Concerns Regarding Animal Care and Use PDF icon SOP 623 - Marmoset Breeding Colony Management
PDF icon SOP 607 - Long-term Housing PDF icon SOP 626 - Macaque Health Monitoring Program
PDF icon SOP 608 - Mouse Breeding Colony Management PDF icon SOP 631 - Macaque Herpes B Testing
PDF icon SOP 609 - Rat Breeding Colony Management PDF icon SOP 632 - Animal Welfare Assessment
PDF icon SOP 610 - Testing of Biological Material
PDF icon SOP 636 - Storage and Transport of Primate Tissues
PDF icon SOP 611 - Excluded Pathogens - Rodent Facilities PDF icon SOP 637 - Cumulative Endpoints
PDF icon SOP 612 - Working with Immunodeficient Mice PDF icon SOP 638 - Positive Reinforcement Training
PDF icon SOP 613 - Working with Rodents in the Imaging Facility  


Occupational Health and Safety

PDF icon SOP 701 - Macaque-Related Injury PDF icon SOP 709 - Waste Anesthetic Gas Scavenging REVISED
PDF icon SOP 702 - Animal Related Injury PDF icon SOP 710 - Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
PDF icon SOP 703 - Use of Viral Vectors in Neuroscience - Rodents PDF icon SOP 715 - Use of Cisplatin in Rodents
PDF icon SOP 705 - Animal Containment Level 2 – Rodents PDF icon SOP 716 - Use of Doxorubicin in Rodents
PDF icon SOP 706 - Use of Hazardous Agents in Rodents - General PDF icon SOP 717- Use of Tamoxifen in Rodents
PDF icon SOP 708 - Use of Streptozotocin in Rodents  


MacDonald Campus - Dairy Facility SOPs

PDF icon DC-101 Bio Security Cattle Complex PDF icon DC-602 Milk House Post-Milk Wash
PDF icon DC-121 Flushing Gutters in the Dairy Barn PDF icon DC-603 Bulk Tank Sanitizing Procedure
PDF icon DC-131 Environmental Monitoring and Maintenance PDF icon DC-604 Box Stall Milker Sanitization
PDF icon DC-206 Box Stall Sanitation PDF icon DC-605 Preparing Cows for Milking
PDF icon DC-207 Tie Stall Sanitation
PDF icon DC-606 Post-Milking Procedure
PDF icon DC-208 Heifer Pen_Stall Sanitation PDF icon DC-607 Milking Procedure
PDF icon DC-209 Calf Pen Sanitation PDF icon DC-608 Milking Fresh Cows
PDF icon DC-210 Acquisition of Dairy Cattle PDF icon DC-609 Milking Pail Cows
PDF icon DC-211 Loading and Transporting Cattle PDF icon DC-610 Milking Cows with Box Stall Milker
PDF icon DC-212 Handling and Moving Cattle
PDF icon DC-611 Milking Staphylococcus Aureus Positive Cows
PDF icon DC-215 Selecting Appropriate Stalls for Tethered Cattle PDF icon DC-612 Milking Antibiotic Treated Cows
PDF icon DC-230 Environmental Enrichment Program for Dairy Cattle PDF icon DC-613 Accidental Milking Antibiotic Treated Cows into Milking System
PDF icon DC-301 Body Condition Scoring for Dairy Cows PDF icon DC-614 Dry Treating Cows
PDF icon DC-302 Lameness Scoring for Dairy Cows PDF icon DC-615 Milk Sampling
PDF icon DC-303 Injury Scoring for Dairy Cows
PDF icon DC-616 Milk Culturing
PDF icon DC-304 Cleanliness Assessment for Dairy Cows PDF icon DC-617 California Mastitis Test (CMT)
PDF icon DC-305 Mastitis Monitoring and Detection PDF icon DC-701 Substance Administration for Dairy Cattle
PDF icon DC-306 Mastitis Treatment PDF icon DC-702 Blood Sample Collection
PDF icon DC-307 Extra Teat Removal Calves PDF icon DC-712 Pre- and Post-Operative Procedures and Long-Term Care of Fistulated Cows
PDF icon DC-311 Managing Downed Cattle
PDF icon DC-713 Rumen Content Collection from Fistulated Cow
PDF icon DC-315 Cumulative Endpoints Dairy Cattle PDF icon DC-714 Transfaunation
PDF icon DC-360 Outdoor Exercise Habituation of Tie-Stall Cattle PDF icon DC-715 Controlled Internal Drug Release Silicone Device Insertion
PDF icon DC-361 Outdoor Exercise of Tie-Stall Dairy Cattle PDF icon DC-A-1A Environmental Monitoring Log
PDF icon DC-400 Heat Detection and Breeding PDF icon DC-A-2A Cattle Transport Decision Tree
PDF icon DC-405 Pre-Partum Preparation of Dairy Cattle
PDF icon DC-A-4A Heat Cycle, Signs and Conception rates of Dairy Cattle
PDF icon DC-406 Post-Partum Care of Dairy Cattle PDF icon DC-A-4B Signs of Heat in Dairy Cattle
PDF icon DC-407 Calving Cows-Heifers PDF icon DC-A-4C Factors Influencing Heat Detection in Dairy Cattle
PDF icon DC-501 Colostrum Management PDF icon DC-A-4D Leg Band Color Legend
PDF icon DC-502 Milk Replacer Preparation PDF icon DC-A-5A Colostrum Quality Readings
PDF icon DC-503 Calf Identification
PDF icon DC-A-5B Newborn Heifer Feeding Log
PDF icon DC-504 Newborn Calf Care PDF icon DC-A-6A Herd Health Scoring Record
PDF icon DC-505 Calf Care Feeding PDF icon DC-A-6B Injury Scoring Record for Dairy Cows
PDF icon DC-506 Tube Feeding a Calf PDF icon DC-A-6C Lameness Scoring Record for Dairy Cows
PDF icon DC-601 Milk House Pre-Milking Set Up PDF icon DC-A-6D Cleanliness Assessment Record for Dairy Cows


MacDonald Campus - Poultry Facility SOPs

PDF icon PU-101 Biosecurity Poultry Unit PDF icon PU-2010 Environmental Enrichment Program for Poultry
PDF icon PU-202 Environmental Management Broiler PDF icon PU-520 Poultry Euthanasia
PDF icon PU-203 Broiler Barn Preparation PDF icon PU-A-0 Donald McQueen Shaver Poultry Unit Floor Plan
PDF icon PU-204 Sanitation Procedure Broiler Barn PDF icon PU-A-2A Broiler Temperature Management Chart
PDF icon PU-205 Manure Management Broiler PDF icon PU-A-3A Should this bird be loaded - Decision tree
PDF icon PU-208 Loading and Transporting Broilers PDF icon PU-A-3B Handling Guidelines for Catching Crews
PDF icon PU-209 Receiving Broiler Chicks and Poults  


MacDonald Campus - Swine Facility SOPs

PDF icon SW-2010 Environmental Enrichment Program for Swine  


Requirements on Record Keeping, Storage and Disposal of Controlled Substances

Refer to the McGill Environmental Health and Safety Office's SOP 401 on Cannabis and Controlled Substances.

Research Institutes of affiliated hospitals should contact their local Safety Office or EHS Officer.

For McGill researchers and instructors:

  • All Principal Investigators (PIs) intending to use controlled substances (and cannabis) need to contact the domenic.dulisse [at] (EHS Cannabis & Controlled Substances Officer) for notification and exemption processing. The PI's information is added to EHS' records and follow ups are performed. All research and teaching involving animals MUST have an approved Animal Use Protocol before being considered for an exemption.
  • The EHS' MyLab software migration will allow for this information to be kept and tracked within MyLab. Permits will be issued to PIs using cannabis and controlled substances.
  • Training for cannabis and controlled substance will be mandatory for all users. They will be granted a permit contingent on successful completion of the training which is every 2 years.
  • An inspection checklist has been created specifically for cannabis and controlled substances in labs. PIs must follow Health Canada’s directive on physical security, while McGill veterinarians do not (they are responsible for the safe keeping of their drugs and reporting to Health Canada).
  • A Cannabis compliance committee is being set up with the Director of EHS and will allow for better decision making and department awareness. This will be done for controlled substances in the near future.
  • Controlled drug suppliers have been added to the McGill Market Place (MMP) and follow the same rules as radiation materials. Note that all orders must be approved by the cannabis and controlled substance officer.
  • A revised SOP #401 for controlled substances is now posted on the EHS site. There is more information on EHS' website for the Cannabis and Controlled Substance Compliance Program (CCSCP) , Environmental Health and Safety, McGill University.


PHAC Biohazard Information

The Public Health Agency of Canada has implemented since December 2015, new regulations pertaining to the use of Human Pathogens and Toxins. Background information can be found on their website and details on the regulation here.

In order to work with Biohazardous Materials in a laboratory setting, researchers must complete an “Application to Use Biohazardous Materials”. These applications are reviewed and approved by McGill's Environmental Health and Safety Office (not the Animal Care Committee). Approval of the Application means that the researcher is compliant with the Biosafety Program which includes lab inspections and training.

Useful links (these two are also available as free Apps for a smartphone or tablet as well):


McGill University Animal Incident Report Form:

FileMcGill Animal Care Incident Report Form


Template for a Crisis Management and Communication Plan SOP:

FileSOP TEMPLATE for Crisis Management Plan

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