May 4, 2010

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Minutes of the Departmental Meeting on May 4, 2010

Present: B. Boulet, C. Brown, P. Caines, L. Chen, J. Clark, M. Coates, D. Davies, K. Fraser, F. Galiana, W. Gross, A. Hamoui, G. Joos, R. Khazaka, F. Labeau, T. Le-Ngoc, H. Leib, O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, D. Lowther, L. McKenna, P. Menon, D. Plant, I. Psaromiligos, M. Rabbat, M. Rochette, M. Vu, J. Webb, Z. Zilic

Regrets: D. Giannacopoulos, H. Leib, M. Levine.

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm.

1. Adoption of the Agenda:

D. Plant asked if there were any additions to the agenda. K.Fraser, seconded by D. Lowther. Carried.

2. Adoption of the Minutes (March 2, 2010):

No changes. B. Boulet, seconded by K. Fraser. Carried.

3. Remarks from the Chair:

D. Plant wanted to thank and acknowledge everyone who mobilized for the upcoming accreditation, from the Curriculum Committee, the Teaching Assignments and Teaching Loads Committee, to the Accreditation Task Force and to those who responded to their requests.

4. Accreditation

B. Boulet informed the meeting that the goal of ECE is to be accredited for a 6 year period. The Curriculum Committee met to assess if ECE met the new requirements – we were short. D. Plant surveyed the top ten Canadian Universities to find out the total percentage of licensed professors in each university. Our department has the lowest percentage at 35%. L. Chen asked if we found out what motivated the other universities professors to obtain their licenses. D. Plant had not asked that question but could go back to the other universities. D. Lowther asked how many professors are in the process and D. Plant responded 10. He stated that if everyone followed through then we should be at 60%. A question arose on the validity of the request from the CEAB for licensed professors to teach the courses in our programs and a discussion ensued. The consensus was that the professors who have agreed to get their license do so, so that our Department can achieve a six year accreditation. Further discussion on the licensing procedures will be at a later date.

5. Report of the Curriculum Committee:

1) L. Chen informed the meeting that there are 12 attributes that our graduate students acquire and at the Faculty level there must be a way to demonstrate how the students acquire these attributes. L. Chen has come up with mapping at the core 200 and 300 level courses a scale 5 point system:

1) The course doesn’t develop the attribute specified.
2) 25% of the course is focused on developing the attribute specified,
3) 50% of the course is focused on developing the attribute specified,
4) 75% of the course is focused on developing the attribute specified,
5) the course is entirely focused on developing the attribute specified.
He recommended that every professor use this process for the courses they taught. J. Clark stated that L. Chen did an excellent job.

2) L. Chen asked that all should accept A. Hamoui’s proposal to create a new course – ECSE 5xxxAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits. Motion to accept this new course – Unanimous. Carried.

3) L. Chen requested the approval of the revision to ECSE 5xxxAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits to include it in the list of Technical Complementary courses. Motion to accept this revision – Unanimous. Carried.

6. Retirement Celebration for Kenneth Fraser

D. Plant requested that this take place after the adjournment but made a presentation ( photo of a watch ) to K. Fraser stating that the real item will be forthcoming. He thanked K. Fraser for being a valued member of ECE and wished him well in his retirement, but also informed him that he will missed.

7: Other Business:

- G. Joos wanted to make sure everyone knew when Spring Convocation was since he is the only one to sitting on the stage. It is June 1, 2010 at 10 am.

- D. Davies wanted to remind everyone that we will be open Summer Fridays starting on July 9th with limited staff.

D. Plant asked for any additional items for Other Business. None.

8. Adjournment:

D. Plant asked for a motion to close the meeting. Motion to adjourn: D. Lowther at 4:30 pm. Carried.

D. Davies, Secretary


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