Open House MM 2024In-Person Information Session

Meet us at our Montreal Downtown Campus for an exclusive in-person information session with our master's program directors, current students, and program specialists on Sunday, October 27, 2024, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Save your spot

McGill MBA information sessions & events

Info Sessions Online and In-person

Full-time MBA, join our live online or in-person information sessions with Q&A.

Tips and Tricks infosession

Admissions How-To’s

Learn more about the application process with our Admissions How-To’s info session.

John-Paul Ferguson

Access an exclusive
MBA lecture
with John-Paul Ferguson.

Sustainable Management: What do Firms Need Now?


Join us for one of our National and International MBA events

Date Event Country City

October 2, 2024

One-to-One MBA Event in Toronto

Canada Toronto

October 3, 2024

One-to-One MBA Event in Ottawa

Canada Ottawa

October 5, 2024

One-to-One MBA Event in Montreal

Canada Montreal

October 6, 2024

Access Masters Event in Montreal

Canada Montreal

October 8, 2024

One-to-One MBA Event in Vancouver

Canada Vancouver

Do you want to get more information on our MBA program?

Book a phone meeting with one of our recruiters and they will be able to assist you.

Book now

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