Managers’ work and retirement: understanding the connections

Published: 23 July 2015

Authors: Martin, B. and Lee, M. D. Publication: Work, employment and society Abstract:

Contemplating Workplace Change: Evolving Individual Thought Processes and Emergent Story Lines

Published: 15 May 2015

Authors: Klag, M., Jansen, K. J and Lee, M. D. Publication: The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Abstract:

Going Off Script: How Managers Make Sense of the Ending of Their Careers

Published: 15 May 2015

Authors: Vough, H. C., Bataille, C. D., Noh, S. C., Lee, M. D. Publication: Journal Of Management Studies Abstract

Success Is What You Make It

Published: 20 November 2013

What is success and how do you measure it? The experiences of a diversegroup of workers show how – and how much – they managed to balance career success with family responsibilities. Those who...

"Reinventing Retirement: New Pathways, New Arrangements, New Meanings," Human Relations

Published: 16 May 2013

Authors: Sargent, Leisa; Lee, Mary Dean; Martin, Bill; Zikic, Jelena Publication: Human Relations, January 2013 Abstract:


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