Marina Nysten and Joyce Wu are the co-founders of the McGill Scientific Writing Initiative (MSWI), a student-run organization dedicated to promoting effective science communication at McGill and beyond. The Office of Science Education recently collaborated with MSWI, which concluded its first year in service to the student body. Here, Marina and Joyce reflect on MSWI’s inaugural year and future plans as recent McGill alumni.

Classified as: science communication, STEM Outreach
Published on: 27 Sep 2021

Stress increases people’s tendency to avoid cognitively demanding tasks, without necessarily altering their ability to perform those tasks, according to new research from McGill University.

“Generally speaking, people are demand-averse,” says Ross Otto, an assistant professor of psychology at McGill and the senior author of a recent paper in Psychological Science. “[Our study showed] stress increases that aversion.”

Published on: 24 Sep 2021

STEMM Diversity group members have recently published a blog post with Cell Mentor, and a paper in Trends in Ecology.

Classified as: STEM Outreach
Published on: 24 Sep 2021

Jessica Ford, PhD candidate in the Green Lab of the Redpath Museum has won the Chancellor Gretta Chambers Student Leadership Award in Student Leadership! Read about her story and passion for science in the link below: 

Classified as: Made by McGill, Redpath Museum
Published on: 23 Sep 2021

Reactive nitrogen emissions contribute to greenhouse gases, as well as air and water pollution. For the first time, researchers from McGill University have calculated Canada’s nitrogen footprint (akin to a carbon footprint) – at both national and provincial levels. They looked at the three primary sectors that contribute nitrogen to the environment to calculate the annual average nitrogen footprint: food production and consumption, wastewater treatment, and fossil fuel use. There were some surprises when they analyzed their results.

Classified as: Sustainability, Geography Department, Nitrogen Emissions, Graham MacDonald
Published on: 21 Sep 2021

Science Literacy week is happening across Canada from September 20th to September 26th, and there many activities to participate in right in Montreal. For the seventh consecutive year, McGill Library is planning a range of activities.

Classified as: STEM Outreach
Published on: 15 Sep 2021

One of the few species that was found to be resistant to severe glyphosate contamination was Scapholeberis mucronata, a freshwater zooplankter commonly found in Québec and elsewhere in North America. CREDIT: Marie-Pier Hébert

Classified as: glyphosate, zooplankton, Liber Ero Chair in Biodiversity Conservation, Andrew Gonzalez, Jesse Shapiro
Published on: 7 Sep 2021

Ever wonder what our curators do? Even though we are closed, they are hard at work ensuring the security of our collections, answering inquiries about them and working on collection management projects.

In the article below, learn more about the CAML project. Definitely a must read!

Published on: 2 Sep 2021

Milton Riaño, McGill’s Climate Change Artist-in-Residence, will curate the Faculty of Science’s Bicentennial Science/Art Exposition, billed as a “celebration of science in all its forms”.

The art show organizers are calling on all members of the McGill community to submit works in any medium, expressing what science means to them.

The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2021.

Published on: 30 Aug 2021

Researchers from McGill University believe that they have found a way to improve the development of biomaterials that could be instrumental in drug delivery, tissue regeneration, nano-optics and nanoelectronics.

Classified as: mcgill research, Hanadi Sleiman, nanochemistry, nano science, biomaterials, photochemistry
Published on: 9 Aug 2021

What is CRISPR? Science writer and masters student Ada McVean explains CRISPR for kids in a TikTok as part of an internship with McGill's Office of Science Outreach for the NSERC PROMOTE program! Ada is currently doing her masters in the Damha Research Group at McGill University making anti-CRISPR oligonucleotides. 

Classified as: STEM Outreach
Published on: 29 Jul 2021

Jeffrey McKenzie, Chair of McGill's Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, has been elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA). In its citation, the GSA noted:

Published on: 14 Jul 2021

By Catherine Wang

Will classes be in-person? How do labs work? How will I make friends? How do I keep up with so many courses? These are some of the questions that students have as they prepare for their first year at McGill. On June 11, 2021, the Office of Science Education’s Incoming Students Panel brought together professors, current students and staff to respond to these questions and give around 300 incoming students a sneak peek of the school year to come.

Published on: 8 Jul 2021

Researchers at McGill University have shown that a brain cell structure previously thought to be pathological in fact enhances cells’ ability to transmit information and correlates with better learning on certain tasks.

In a study published in Nature Communications, the team investigated swellings that occur in the axons of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. In results that contradict established expectations, they found that axons with swellings did a better job of conducting electrical signals than those without.

Classified as: mcgill research, brain cell, Department of Biology, Alanna Watt, Faculty of Science, behavioural analysis, brain cell structure
Published on: 8 Jul 2021

The 2021 Eurêka Festival launched on June 30th, 2021, and McGill Outreach is participating! L'Archipel Virtuel is the first digital edition of the festival.

Classified as: STEM Outreach, Redpath Museum, EPS
Published on: 6 Jul 2021


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