68 results in Minor (remove filter)
Major Concentration, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mathematics and statistics are omnipresent in today's world of information and technology. Their theories, models, and methods are integral to the way we analyze, understand, and build the world around us. Mathematics plays a...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
This program will teach you the basic biology of large mammals and birds. You’ll study animal physiology and function, reproduction, nutrition, immunology, genetics, biotechnology and its uses with animals.  Many courses in...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In the Early Music program, you will learn the elements of early music performance practice and to sing early music. The program combines individual lessons and ensemble training with the study of historical approaches to...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Biotechnology is the science of understanding, selecting, and promoting useful organisms and specific gene products for commercial and therapeutic purposes. It demands a broad comprehension of biology and engineering as well...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Aerospace engineering is a rapidly evolving discipline that focuses on the design, development, testing, production and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft. Open to students in the Faculty of Engineering, the minor in...
Major, Minor
Macdonald Campus
Agricultural Economics is a field of applied economics that aims to optimize the ways we produce and distribute food. This program will give you a foundation in agriculture and international development, food systems, trade...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Chemical engineers design processes and systems required to scale something a chemist produces in a test tube (like plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals) into mass manufacturable products. All kinds of industries rely on...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Human Nutrition is intended to complement your primary field of study by introducing you to the metabolic aspects of human nutrition. This program is especially accessible for students in Biochemistry, Biology,...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you curious about the history of our planet and other terrestrial bodies? Are you fascinated by the study of rocks, volcanoes, tectonics, formations, sediments, minerals and natural resources? Do you have a desire to...
Major, Minor, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
 Statistics is motivated by the need to extract information from data, quantify uncertainty, and make predictions about random phenomena. Sophisticated mathematical and probabilistic techniques and computational tools are...


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