232 results in Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Construction engineers oversee the design and production of building and infrastructure projects. A Minor in Construction Engineering and Management can round out your studies in engineering or architecture and prepare you...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you a skilled musician who would like to improve your practical skills? The three-year Licentiate in Music (L. Mus.) program is a performance-intensive program designed for instrumentalists and singers who wish to...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
If you are passionate about medical sciences and motivated by helping people improve their quality of life, physiotherapy (also known as physical therapy) may be the right field of study for you. The physiotherapist is a...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Geography is the study of physical environments and human habitats. Dealing with people and places, it covers issues such as global warming and climate change, food and water resources, management of ecosystems, human health,...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and parasites. Microorganisms play an important role in the environment and in human, animal and plant life and disease. Immunology studies...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
You can pursue a minor in Arabic, Persian, Turkish or Urdu/Hindi through the Islamic Studies Institute. Whichever language you choose, you’ll receive comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  You...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music theorists focus on developing models and methods for understanding musical languages. How are specific pieces of music put together and how may this be generalized to relate to the way other pieces of music are composed...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
You can't talk about food production without talking about the environment. Conventional means of food production often equals large scale environmental degradation, and land-use competition. As world populations grow, and as...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Electrical Engineers are experts in developing, testing and solving problems within electrical systems. McGill’s Major in Electrical Engineering offers a broad understanding of key principles in rapidly advancing fields like...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Medieval Studies Minor lets you explore the medieval millennium (roughly 500-1500AD) in depth, and from different perspectives.  You can take classes across many disciplines like English literature, history, art history...


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