68 results in Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter), Macdonald Campus (remove filter), Minor (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Minor Arts is intended for Engineering students with an interest in the humanities and social sciences.  Explore your interests and discover new ones in a variety of disciplines like: Economics Political Science...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music theorists focus on developing models and methods for understanding musical languages. How are specific pieces of music put together and how may this be generalized to relate to the way other pieces of music are composed...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Natural History focuses on the observation and systematic study of all living organisms in nature (animals, fungi, and plants). It explores their forms, origins, evolution, behaviors and interactions with other species in...
Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Statistics is motivated by the need to extract information from data, quantify uncertainty, and make predictions about random phenomena. Sophisticated mathematical and probabilistic techniques and computational tools are...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Software engineers design, develop and test the software programs that apply computer technology to everyday processes. Things as fundamental to our daily lives as downloading e-mails or scanning barcodes at the grocery store...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of cognition in humans, animals, and machines. It encompasses the traditional disciplines of psychology, computer science, neuroscience, linguistics and philosophy. The goal of...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
No matter where your career takes you, a Minor in Management from Desautels at McGill University will prepare you to make smarter decisions in business. Management courses will help you develop a variety of managerial skills...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Chemical engineers design processes and systems required to scale something a chemist produces in a test tube (like plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals) into mass manufacturable products. All kinds of industries rely on...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics is in many ways the parent of other natural sciences – its discoveries and laws continually affect their development. The subfields of physics, such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, atomic physics, and...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Field studies offer you a chance to put theory into practice through local, regional, and international field study semesters and individual courses. Field Study Semesters are packages of McGill courses aimed at upper-year...


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