Hanna Kienzler (MA 2004, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany) is a Ph.D candidate at the Department of Anthropology, McGill University. She has been collaborating with the TGH program since 2007 and is currently involved as a research assistant based at the Douglas Institute. Hanna Kienzler’s areas of interest are ethnic conflict, gender based violence, trauma, PTSD, local idioms of distress, resilience, and psychological/psychiatric intervention and local forms of healing. She conducted her Ph.D field research (May 2007 - June 2008) in two Kosovar villages that were hit especially hard during the war in 1998/99. Her research questions focused on issues related to how Kosovar Albanian women deal with trauma, trauma related disorders, resilience, treatment, and local forms of healing. Until now, she has conducted ethnographic research at the Mental Health Center in Peja in 2004; in three Hutterite colonies in Canada and the USA in 2002 and 2003; and in Kyrgyzstan in 2001.