Explore the variety of tips and tools to foster your academic achievement. From how to study for long term memory retention, to reading strategies for research articles, to preparing for different types of exams, we have you covered!
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Take this interactive quiz to find what resource is right for you.
Time management
- Prioritizing your tasks | Gestion du temps (PDF)
- Estimating time on tasks (PDF)
- Creating a time diary | Utilisez un journal de bord pour gérer votre temps (PDF)
- Thesis roadmap: A five-step plan (PDF)
- Creating a time diary (VIDEO)
- How I Learn Best: Tips from McGill students on time management (WEBSITE)
- Prioritizing for your to-do lists (WORD DOC)
Study strategies
- Study strategies (PDF)
- How to create a study plan (PDF)
- The four stages of studying | Les quatre étapes de l’étude (PDF)
- Motivation and habit building (PDF)
- Tiny habits for big changes (PDF)
- Learning from lecture recordings (PDF)
- Learning in your second language | Apprentissage en langue seconde (PDF)
- How I Learn Best: Tips from McGill students on studying (WEBSITE)
Memory and retention
How does memory work? What strategies can I use to take care of myself physically and academically? Learn more about memory and how you can use to improve long-term retention with these resources.
- Sleep and learning (PDF)
- Exercise and learning (PDF)
- Tips for using flashcards (PDF)
- How to use self-reflection to improve your studying (VIDEO)
- Study for long term memory storage (VIDEO)
- How I Learn Best: Tips from McGill students on studying (WEBSITE)
Reading and notetaking
Readings and taking notes are an important part of university courses in any field. These resources provide some strategies to get more out of your reading and will help you feel prepared for your courses and exams.
- Preview, question, paraphrase | Stratégies de lecture (PDF)
- Reading research articles | Comment lire les articles scientifiques (PDF)
- Notetaking methods (PDF)
- How I Learn Best: Tips from McGill students on notetaking (WEBSITE)
Exam preparation
How does studying change for different types of exams? As a student, you face a number of different types of exams and it is important to prepare for the assessment style as well as the exam content. These resources will help you get started as you prepare for exams.
- How to create your finals study plan (PDF)
- Multiple choice questions: READY strategy (PDF)
- Preparing for an essay exam (PDF)
- Writing an essay exam (PDF)
- How I Learn Best: Tips from McGill students on summarizing notes for exam prep (WEBSITE)
- Post-exam checklist (WORD DOC)
Communication (writing, speaking, listening and more) is a crucial skill you can develop while working with others to help you succeed in your academic, personal, and professional life.
- Getting started in group work | Comment démarrer le travail en groupe (PDF)
- Assigning roles in group work | Assignation des rôles pour le travail en groupe (PDF)
- Study group toolkit (WEBSITE)
- Getting the most out of myCourses discussion forums (VIDEO)
- How I Learn Best: Tips from McGill students on working with other students (WEBSITE)