The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) is an evidence-based model of patient care designed to prevent the functional and cognitive decline of older adults during a hospital stay. Specific health...
The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) is an evidence-based model of patient care designed to prevent functional and cognitive decline of older adults during a hospital stay. Specific interventions...
The School of Physical & Occupational Therapy (SPOT) was honoured to host Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, BSc(OT), MAdEd, PhD, Director of McGill’s Institute of Health Sciences Education and Associate...
A McGill-led team has developed a new index that predicts with 100% accuracy whether patients in a vegetative or coma state will recover consciousness within three months – which has crucial...
The COVID-19 pandemic presented a tremendous challenge to clinical fieldwork. The McGill Occupational Therapy (OT) fieldwork coordinators needed to think outside of the box to figure out how to get...
The School of Physical & Occupational Therapy (SPOT) at McGill hosted a virtual Homecoming Reception this year, to honour classes from the years ending in 1 and 6. Keeping with the Bicentennial...