Information about Services

Professional, culturally sensitive trauma-informed evidence-based mental health services have started for Ukrainian refugees and their families in September. Here is the link to request individual or family therapy.

In addition, specifically modified mindfulness and trauma-informed support groups and activities are offered for Ukrainian refugees and members of the community (dates and locations will be provided shortly):

  • Introductory classes of Taoist tai chi (Elliot Kravitz)

The Ukrainian Aid Initiative spearheaded by the recent crisis in Ukraine is offering classes in taoist tai chi for the whole Montreal community. The fundamentals of this form of Tai Chi are easily understood and all beginners will benefit from this ancient internal martial art very quickly after learning and practicing the form. These benefits can be accessed independent of any language abilities.

What is Tai Chi?

Tai chi is an art embracing the mind, body and spirit. Originating in ancient China, tai chi is one of the most effective exercises for health of mind and body. Although an art with great depth of knowledge and skill, it can be easy to learn and soon delivers its health benefits. For many, it continues as a lifetime journey. While Tai chi chu’an is one of the three dominant internal martial arts, Taoist tai chi was developed by master Moy Lin Shin to specifically focus on the health benefits. This form of tai chi is addressed through the set of 108 gentle and simple movements which give all participants an immediate feeling of self-control, calm and well-being.

  • Creative arts-based mother’s groups (Ira Polak Veronneau)
  • Animated yoga & art-base psychosocial activities among children (Anne Vrana)
  • Authentic movement classes (Sabina Sarin)
  • Yoga therapy among adults (Jennifer Hassard)
  • Chair-based yoga classes (Corinne Sejourne)

Please answer this survey if you are interested in these activities.

Furthermore, the Montreal Ukrainian Wellness Program spearheaded by the Ukrainian National Federation (UNF) of Quebec and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) has organized community-based activities starting in early November. Read more here.

We are still actively recruiting to see our team of interpreters grow. These participants will be paid 15$/per sessions for their services.

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