


Undergraduate summer students

2024 summer Mr. David Popa
2023 summer Mr. Nicolas Matthew
2022 summer Mr. Donovan Worrall
2020 summer Ms. Kathleen Southern
2017 summer Mr. Eric Krochmalnek
2016 summer Ms. Rui Han Lui (NSERC USRA)
2015 summer Mr. Tony Han
2015 summer Ms. Melissa Galati
2013 summer Mr. Christopher Cremer
2013 summer Ms. Erin Mannard
2012 summer Ms. Ingrid Lund
2012 summer Mr. Justin Morein (NSERC USRA)
2011 summer Ms. Jessica Drzewiecki
2010 summer Ms. Anette Ye (NSERC USRA)
2009 summer Ms. Laurie-Anne Cloutier (NSERC USRA)
2008 summer Mr. Michael Wang (NSERC USRA)
2007 summer Ms. Erika Belanger-Nelson (NSERC USRA)
2007 summer Mr. Peter Zybergold (NSERC USRA)
2006 summer Ms. Myriam Elschami
2006 summer Mr. Patrizio Deli-Franne (NSERC USRA)
2005 summer Mr. David Barnett
2004 summer Ms. Elaine Tung
2003 summer Ms. Elaine Tung
2003 summer Mr. Jean-Francois Lemaire
2002 summer Mr. Suhail Salem
2001 summer Ms. Martin Charbonneau
2000 summer Ms. Ellen Chen
1998 summer Mr. Ken Nguyen
1997 summer Ms. Katherine Au
1996 summer Mr. Kenny Wong

Undergraduate honors projects students

2017 summer Mr. Eric Krochmalnek
2016-2017 Mr. Muralie Vignarajah
2015-2016 Ms. Rhui Han
2016-2017 Ms. Sara Tse
2014-2015  Ms. Melissa Galati
2012-2013  Ms. Ingrid Lund
2012-2013  Mr. Justin Morein
2010 fall term  Ms. Anette Ye
2009 fall term Ms. Laurie-Anne Cloutier

Graduate students

2022 - Mr. Donovan Worall
2021 - Mr. Ian McDowell
2020 - Ms. Adriana Aguila Cordova
2019 - Ms. Maleeha Kahn
2018 - Mr. Luis Aguilera Luna
2018-2024 - Mr. Armin Bayati – Mr. Bayati is supported by a studentship from Parkinson’s Canada
2017-2024 - Ms. Emily Banks, Ph.D. student - Ms. Banks is a recipient of a Healthy Brain for Healthy Lives Studentship.
2017-2023 - Mr. Rahul Kumar, Ph.D. student - Mr. Kumar is a past recipient of a Healthy Brain for Healthy Lives Studentship and is currently supported by a studentship from ALS Canada.
2017-2018 - Ms. Lily Su, B.Sc./M.Sc. Track Program
2016-2021 -  Ms. Walaa Alshafie, Ph.D. student - Co-supervised with Dr. Thomas Stroh
2016-2020 - Ms. Riham Ayoubi, Ph.D. student – Co-supervised with Dr. Annie Angers
2010-2016 Dr. Maria Ioannou, Ph.D. student – Dr. Ioannou was a recipient of a Doctoral Award: Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She was also awarded a Fonds de la Recherche En Santé Du Québec Doctoral Award (declined) and was the winner of international travel awards from McGill University and the Canadian Cancer Society. She was also supported by a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Studentship from the Montreal Neurological Institute. She is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Janelia Farm.
2010-2015 Dr. Andrea Schreij, Ph.D. student (co-supervised with Dr. Ted Fon) – Dr. Schreij was a recipient of a Doctoral studentship from the Parkinson’s Society of Canada and a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Studentship from the Montreal Neurological Institute.
2009-2015 Dr. Jie Xu, Ph.D. student – Dr. Xu was a recipient of a Program in Neuroscience recruitment award, a Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship, a Huntley Macdonald Sinclair Fellowship, and a Hugh E. Burke Fellowship from the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the McPherson laboratory.
2009-2015 Dr. Jason Hamlin, Ph.D. student – Dr. Hamlin was a recipient of a studentship from the ALS Society of Canada and a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Studentship from the Montreal Neurological Institute. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Genzyme.
2011-2014 Ms. Nadya Nossova, M.Sc. student - Ms. Nossova was a past recipient of a Masters Award: Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, a Program in Neuroscience recruitment award, the Max E. Binz Fellowship from McGill University, and a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Studentship from the Montreal Neurological Institute. She is currently a clinical trials manager in the Clinical Research Unit of the Montreal Neurological Institute.
2006-2012 Dr. Andrea Marat, Ph.D. student –Dr. Marat was a recipient of studentships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CGS Masters), Fonds de la Recherche En Santé Du Québec (Ph.D.), McGill Faculty of Medicine Lloyd Carr-Harris Fellowship and the Integrated Program in Neuroscience. She is currently She is currently an Editor at the Journal of Cell Biology.
2010-2010 Ms. Ariane Gagnon, Ph.D. rotation student - Ariane is currently a graduate student with Dr. Charles Bourque, McGill University.
2010-2010 Ms. Sarah Konefal, Ph.D. rotation student. She is currently a graduate student with Dr. David Stellwagon, McGill University.
2004-2006 Mr. Jean-Francois Lemaire, M.Sc. student. He currently teaches CGEP in Montreal.
2003-2009 Dr. Jonathon Burman, Ph.D. student –Dr. Burman was a recipient of a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Studentship from the Montreal Neurological Institute, a Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship Award, and a studentship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Richard Youle, NIH.
2003-2009 Dr. Patrick Allaire, Ph.D. student - Winner of the 2011 Nance-Common Award as Outstanding Graduate Student of the year, Montreal Neurological Institute Convocation. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Erik Jorgensen, HHMI, University of Utah.
2002-2008 Dr. Martine Girard, Ph.D. student – Dr. Girard was a recipient of studentships from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, McGill University and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She is currently a Research Associate with Dr. Peter McPherson, McGill University.
1999-2004  Dr. Sylwia Wasiak, Ph.D. student – Dr. Wasiak was a recipient of studentships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She graduated with honors.    She is currently a Research Scientist with Resverlogix Corp, Calgary, Alberta.
1997-2002 Dr. Natasha Hussain, Ph.D. student - Dr. Hussain was a recipient of fellowships from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, McGill University, and the Fonds de la Recherche En Santé Du Québec. She graduated with honors. She is currently a senior research associate with Dr. Morgan Sheng.
1995-2001 Dr. Antoine Ramjaun, Ph.D. student - Dr. Ramjaun was a recipient of a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Studentship from the Montreal Neurological Institute, an FCAR-FRSQ Studentship, and a studentship from the Medical Research Council of Canada.

Post-doctoral fellows

2021-2022- Dr. Walaa Alshafie
2021- Dr. Riham Ayoubi
2018-2023 Dr. Fares Kharfallah
2015- Dr. Vincent Francis- Dr. Francis is supported by a Jeanne-Timmins Costello Fellowship from the Montreal Neurological Institute
2015-2022 Dr. Carl Laflamme
2015-2019 Dr. Jie Xu
2013- Dr. Gopinath Kulasekaran – Dr. Kulasekaran is supported by a fellowship from the FRQS
2012-2018 Dr. Chanshuai Han – Dr. Han is a recipient of a Jeanne-Timmins Costello Fellowship from the Montreal Neurological Institute for both 2013 and 2014. She is also supported by a fellowship from the FRQS.
2009-2014 Dr. Mathilde Chaineau
2008-2012 Dr. Hatem Dokanish- Dr. Dokanish was a recipient of a Centers of Excellence in Commercialization and Research Fellowship from the Montreal Neurological Institute. He is currently a Clinical Scientist, Boehringer Ingelhein, Burlington, Ontario.
2009-2011 Dr. Patrick Allaire – Dr. Allaire is currently a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Erik Jorgensen, HHMI, University of Utah.
2007-2009 Dr. Yohei Katoh- Dr. Katoh was a recipient of fellowships from the Uehara Foundation, Japan and from the Fonds de la Recherche En Santé Du Québec. He is currently an Assistant Professor, Kyoto University.
2004-2009 Dr. Sebastien Thomas – Dr. Thomas was a recipient of a Jeanne-Timmins Costello Fellowship from the Montreal Neurological Institute. He is currently a Research Associate with Dr. Christian Casanova, University of Montreal.
2004-2006 Dr. Viviane Poupon - Dr. Poupon was a recipient of a fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She is currently Executive Director of Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives, Montreal Neurological Institute.
2001-2006 Dr. Brigitte Ritter - Dr. Ritter was a recipient of a German Academic Exchange Service fellowship, a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Fellowship from the Montreal Neurological Institute and a fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She is currently an Assistant Professor, Boston University.
2002-2006 Dr. Francois Blondeau - Dr. Blondeau was supported from Genome Quebec and the Montreal Proteomics Network.
2000-2006 Dr. Valerie Legendre-Guillemin - Dr. Legendre-Guillemin was a recipient of a fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She is currently an Associate Professor, University of Quebec in Chicoutami.
2000-2003 Dr. Annie Angers - Dr. Angers was a recipient of a Jeanne Timmins-Costello Fellowship from the Montreal Neurological Institute and a fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She is currently an Associate Professor, University of Montreal.
1999-2001 Dr. Xinkang Tong. Dr. Tong is currently a Senior Research Associate with Dr. Edith Hamel, McGill University.
1996-1997 Dr. Kristina Micheva - Dr. Micheva was a recipient of a fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada. She is currently a Senior Research Associate with Dr. Stephen Smith, Stanford University.

Research Assistants

2024 - Dr. Emily Banks
2023- Mr. Charles Alende
2023- Vera Ruíz Moleón
2012-2015  Mr. Mark Duabaras
2010-2010  Ms. Courtney Michel (part-time casual)
2009-2010  Ms. Marilene Halin

Research Scientist

2008-2014 Dr. Martine Girard

Research Associates

2022-          Dr. Carl Laflamme
2014-2017 Dr. Mathilde Chaineau
2014-2015 Dr. Martine Girard
2006-2012 Dr. Brigitte Ritter
2006-2009 Dr. Viviane Poupon


2022- Mr. Philip Thorne
2022- Ms. Sara González Bolívar
2022-2023 - Ms. Lynda Dekakra-Bellili
2008-   Ms. Maryam Fotouhi
1997-2023   Ms. Jacynthe Philie, Research Technician IV
2005-2008  Ms. Lyne Bourbonniere, Research Technician IV
1996-2006 Ms. Elaine de Heuvel, Research Technician IV


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