How to get in touch with us...
The email addresses for each of our administrative personnel can be found on the Administration page.
The Central Academic Site for the Department of Pathology is located at the Duff Medical Building (1st floor, B Wing):
Duff Medical Building
3775 University Street (B Wing)
Montreal, QC H3A 2B4
For general inquiries, please contact [at] (Isabel Bolivar).
For questions related to our various teaching and training programs, please consult the individual Key Contacts pages:
For admin questions (Finance, HR, Academic or Student Affairs), please contact stephanie.larocque [at] (Stephanie Larocque) of AEC#7.
Our main Clinical Site is at E04 of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Glen:
MUHC-Glen Clinical Labs
1001 boul. Décarie, E04
Montreal, QC H4A 3J1
(514) 934-1934 x35687
If you need to get in touch with other pathology clinical units, please see our Affiliated Hospitals and/or our Faculty Directory, specifically staff pathologists.