
Bowman Corning Crowell (BCC) Trainee Awards - Presented at Finlayson Day

Established in 1979 by a bequest from Frances B. Crowell, the Bowman Corning Crowell Award honours Dr. Crowell (McGill MD Class of 1904), an accomplished Canadian pathologist, educator, and researcher in tropical medicine.

Eligibility: Residents and graduate students

  • BCC Resident Teacher of the Year (voted by residents)
    Value: $1,000
  • BCC Resident of the Year (voted by staff pathologists)
    Value: $1,000
  • BCC Finlayson Day Oral Presentation Awards – Top 3 (all trainees)
    Values: 1st place $1,000; 2nd place $800; 3rd place $600
  • BCC Finlayson Day Poster Presentation Awards - Top 5 (all trainees)
    Values: 1st place $750; 2nd place $650; 3rd place $500; 4th place $400; 5th place $300

James Douglas Research Fellowship

This is a permanent endowment fund for the establishment and maintenance of research. Founded in 1911 by Dr. James B. Douglas, the Research Fellowship in Pathology will support research or travel expenses* incurred by a postdoc conducting research under the supervision of a principal investigator or pathologist in the Dept. of Pathology. This award is not stipend support.

Value: Two awards valued at $5,000 each

Eligibility: Postdoc (all categories)

Required Application Documents:

  1. CV
  2. 1-page research proposal
  3. 1-page summary of research and/or travel expenses, and how the award would benefit the applicant’s research

An ad hoc Selection Committee will review the application documents to assess the candidate’s ability to conduct independent research (e.g., quality and feasibility of the research proposal, prior contributions to research, demonstration of originality and critical thinking) and how the award will be used to support the proposed research.

Deadline to Apply: Friday March 14th, 2025 by 5 PM - all required documents must be emailed to [at] by this deadline.

Notification of Decision: Week of April 14th, 2025

Award Period: May 1 – March 30
*Students must be registered throughout the award period.

*This award must be processed via an expense report (ER).

To claim travel expenses:

  • All expenses must meet University guidelines
  • Expenses must be claimed within 30 days of the return date.

To claim research expenses:

  • Expenses must be claimed via an expense report within 90 days of the purchase date.
  • Purchases of goods, services and supplies that are valued more than $2,500 cannot be reimbursed on an expense report.
  • Computers/laptops must be purchased from Le James via McGill Marketplace.

Expenses can be claimed over the period of May 1 to March 30 (this allows enough time to process final reimbursements before the fiscal year end). For clarifying questions on this matter, please contact [at]

Robert More Graduate Studies Award

Established in 1997 from a bequest of the late Miss Dorothy Brown, the Robert More Award honours Dr. More, Chairman of Pathology at McGill University 1967-76, renowned teacher and researcher, and tireless volunteer. Awarded to a graduate student.

Value: Two awards valued at $8,500 each (contribution to stipend)

Eligibility: Graduate student in good academic standing*.

Required Application Documents:

  1. CV
  2. 1-page research proposal
  3. 1-page personal statement as to how you embody the following qualities exemplified by Robert More: high-calibre research, leadership skills (e.g., teaching, mentorship), and community service.

An ad hoc Selection Committee will review the application documents and rank candidates based on demonstrated excellence in research, leadership and/or service.

Deadline to Apply: Friday March 14th, 2025 by 5 PM - all required documents must be emailed to [at] by this deadline.

Notification of Decision: Week of April 14th, 2025

Award Period: May 1 - April 30
*Students must be registered throughout the award period to receive payments.

Moy Fong Chen Travel Award

Established in 2019 by Dr. Moy Fong Chen, pathologist and educator, to encourage deserving trainees in the Department of Pathology to attend and participate in an international scientific meeting. For a resident or graduate student who demonstrates outstanding performance in their field and embodies the values of the Department, to help defray associated costs. Two awards will be awarded every year.

Value: $1,000 per award.


  • Resident or Graduate Student (in good academic standing) in Pathology
  • Travel for an international scientific or medical conference
  • The trainee must be presenting a research project (oral or poster presentation)

Required Application Documents:

  1. CV
  2. Copy of accepted abstract (indicate oral or poster presentation and list authors)
  3. Proof of conference registration

The Graduate Training Committee (GTC) will evaluate applications, with priority given to:

  • Trainees who are first authors on the student being presented
  • Oral presentations

Deadlines to Apply:
November 1
- for international conference travel between July 1 and December 31
March 1 - for international conference travel between January 1 and June 30

All required documents must be emailed to [at] by this deadline.

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