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Genetic Engineering Has Been Applied to Cheese Making: No Reason to Be Cheesed Off.

24 Sep 2024

Cheese producers were cheesed off.  People were just not eating enough veal.  Slaughterhouses were running short of calf stomachs and the cheese industry was feeling the pinch.  There was not...

Real Gold or Fool’s Gold: The Controversies of Bee Pollen

20 Sep 2024

The earliest evidence of human consumption of bee products can be traced back to a painting from between 8000-5000 B.C. in Spain. The Greeks considered pollen to be the food of kings. There is a...

What Does a Health Canada Issued “Natural Product Number (NPN)” on a Supplement Mean?

18 Sep 2024

Prescription drug sales in Canada amount to roughly $50 billion a year. That’s a lot of money, but the $13 billion pulled in annually by the natural health products industry isn’t small potatoes...

Another Bullet Fired at Highly Processed Food

11 Sep 2024

Elie Metchnikoff drank sour milk every day. He believed that the lactic acid bacteria found in fermented foods like yogurt, especially the Lactobacillus bulgaricus strain, helped to promote...

No Tolerance for IgG Food Intolerance Tests

29 Aug 2024

“But where’s the harm?” we are so often asked. When your baby dies and has to be resuscitated in the emergency room, I’d say the harm has a Vegas-sized neon arrow above it....

Waxing Lyrical About Fruit Wax

21 Aug 2024

Apparently Snow White's wicked stepmother knew something about chemistry and toxicology. She brewed up a remarkable poison to put the anemic young lady into a state of suspended animation. But how...

Doc of Detox Tries to Rewrite All of Medicine

9 Aug 2024

If you are desperate enough, there is someone out there willing to rewrite all of medicine and relieve you of your savings. A former nurse with multiple sclerosis lost over $10,000 in this way,...

Coffee for the Brain

7 Aug 2024

Most nutritional studies are observational meaning that researchers observe what happens in a given population as a result of consuming a food or beverage without any sort of intervention on their...


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