SciLearn Orientation

Incoming students are invited to attend our trademark “Orientation” session. Using feedback from our previous participants, we've handpicked the best learning strategies and content to set you up for a great first year at McGill. The Orientation is only the beginning – we hope you’ll try out these strategies throughout the semester at SciLearn Peer Collaboration. 

CHEM 222 and CHEM 120 Sessions
Students enrolled in CHEM 222 (Introductory Organic Chemistry 2) and CHEM 120 (General Chemistry 2) are invited to attend our in-course sessions, offered in partnership with course instructors. Visit the course's myCourses page to learn more!

Why participate in SciLearn Orientation?

Learn How the Brain Works 
Under the guidance of our three neuroscientist-facilitators, you'll learn how neuroscience underlies and motivates a variety of approaches to learning. For example, we show you how you can hack your brain by understanding the basics of memory retention. 

Join Our Community 
When you participate in SciLearn, you join a community of over 1000 like-minded students! Every term, we invite our participants (past and present) to our SciLearn Events. 

Try Out Tools to Track Your Learning
Inspired by the citizen science framework, students will be looking at their own learning data and tracking how these change as they adapt to learning at the university level throughout their first year at McGill.


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