
Upcoming Events

SciLearn Workshop #1: Memory & Attention

Monday, January 27, 5:30-6:30pm, Burnside Hall Basement, room 1B36

Join us for this interactive workshop! What we'll cover: the neuroscience of memory and attention, how to use retrieval practice, and the benefits of micro-tasking and napping. Enjoy snacks and hot drinks! 

Managing Imposter Syndrome: Graduate Student Edition

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 12:00-12:45pm on Zoom

Do you have questions about Imposter Syndrome? You aren’t the only one. In this workshop, you will learn the definition of Imposter Syndrome as well as its usefulness and limitations as a concept in mental health. You will learn when and how imposter syndrome can show up in your life as a graduate student. We will discuss simple tools and tips to boost your wellbeing and manage self-doubt as it happens. This workshop will be facilitated by Local Wellness Advisors Fanny Gutierrez-Meyers and Devon Simpson.

2025 Undergraduate Science Showcase: Workshops & Feedback Clinics

The Undergraduate Science Showcase celebrates the work of students by providing them with an opportunity to share their scientific research, passion projects, in-class work, and more! Since the Showcase is an opportunity for undergraduate students to learn and develop essential research skills, presenters are invited to attend one workshop and/or feedback clinic from the dates listed below.

Workshops Feedback Clinics

Wednesday, January 22, 6-7 PM, in-person

Friday, January 24, 3-4 PM, Zoom

Tuesday, January 28, 6-7 PM, in-person

Thursday, January 30, 12-1 PM, Zoom

Wednesday, February 5, 6-7 PM, in-person

Friday, February 7, 3-4 PM, Zoom

Tuesday, February 11, 6-7 PM, in-person

Thursday, February 13, 12-1 PM, in-person

Monday, February 17, 6-7 PM, in-person

Wednesday, February 19, 3-4 PM, in-person

Tuesday, February 25, 6-7 PM, Zoom

Thursday, February 27, 12-1 PM, in-person

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