
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY | Memories Linked to Social Defeat Can Hijack the Hippocampus

Negative memories associated with social defeat are more likely to take hold and "stick" to a web of neurons in some brains than others, according to a new study (Zhang et al., 2019) in mice. This web of neurons is called an "engram." 

Published: 14 Aug 2019

CTV | McGill doctors get financial boost to combat breast cancer

Two McGill University professors have joined the fight against breast cancer, and are about to get a big injection of funds courtesy of the federal government.

Liberal MP Marc Miller was at McGill's Holmes Hall to announce a $6 million investment for research over the next four years.

Published: 14 Aug 2019

MSN | Astronomers Have Detected a Whopping 8 New Repeating Signals From Deep Space

One of the biggest mysteries out there in the Universe is inching closer to answers. An astonishing eight new repeating radio signals known as fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been detected flaring from deep space.

There is definitely a difference between the sources, with some being more prolific than others," physicist Ziggy Pleunis of McGill University told ScienceAlert.

Published: 14 Aug 2019

MONTREAL GAZETTE | The Right Chemistry: Good science is no laughing matter

It is certainly true that there have been scientists and physicians who at first were ridiculed and were subsequently recognized as visionaries. There are numerous other examples of scientific ideas that were first opposed then embraced, says Joe Schwarcz,  director of McGill University’s Office for Science & Society ( He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m.

Published: 12 Aug 2019

GLOBAL NEWS | People with strong partisan views get more facts wrong on a current events test

The stronger Canadians’ partisan views are, the more likely they are to choose the wrong answer on a series of factual policy questions, a survey has found.

Respondents were asked a series of neutral, factual questions, such as whether the unemployment rate was higher in 2015 or 2018, or whether the deficit had risen.

Published: 8 Aug 2019

SUDBURY STAR | Project imagines mining without the need for blasting

Imagine building a new underground mine — or expanding an existing one — without using explosives.

That’s the goal of a new project unveiled in Sudbury on Wednesday. And while the announcement was made in here, the money — $1.5 million — will go to McGill University of Montreal to test cleaner methods of mining. 

Published: 8 Aug 2019

CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC | When it comes to stream health, land use and protection matter

I wanted to know how protection affects streams because most protected areas are not created specifically with streams in mind, says Dalal Hanna, a freshwater ecologist, science communicator, National Geographic Explorer, and PhD Candidate at McGill University. 

Published: 8 Aug 2019

CBA NATIONAL | The changing definition of family

Karin Galldin's family started as many do, with a simple desire to raise children. While the route she chose to get there was still unpaved, the path had been cleared. By the time she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, everything was in place for her to get legal recognition as one of four parents along with her partner, as well as the birth father and his partner. There is more acceptance today around diverse relationships involving multiple parents and alternative family structures.

Published: 7 Aug 2019

MONTREAL GAZETTE | Sunscreen shouldn't be a DIY project

Wearing sunscreen is probably one of the best cancer deterrents there is. We often forget how common skin cancer is. One in five adults will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in their lives, making it more common than all other cancer diagnoses combined. Fortunately, if caught early, it can be easily treated. It is also largely preventable, says Christopher Labos, a Montreal doctor and an associate with the McGill Office for Science and Society.

Published: 7 Aug 2019

EDMONTON JOURNAL | Polar journey exposes Edmonton student to arctic culture and climate

(Chiara Concini) is one of 130 high school and post-secondary students from around the globe aboard the Ocean Endeavour, taking a two-week plunge into arctic culture and geography in a program called Students On Ice.

Published: 6 Aug 2019

MONTREAL GAZETTE | 'Hands are tied': Class-action requests filed against Capital One

Not one but two requests to approve class actions against the American bank in Quebec were filed at the Superior Court of Quebec on Tuesday, only 24 hours after Capital One announced there had been a personal-data breach. The requests have to be approved by a judge before a class action can go any further. This latest massive security breach, which was confirmed on July 19, was announced Monday by Capital One. It affects 106 million members, six million of them Canadian.

Published: 1 Aug 2019

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY | This Is the Secret to Close Friendships

Miriam Kirmayer is a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology at McGill University and a therapist who specializes in young adult and adult friendships. She says" one common thread I hear in my work as a therapist who focuses on friendship is just how disconnected so many of us feel from our friends and communities.

Published: 31 Jul 2019

NATIONAL POST | Beyoncé's 22-day, 100 per cent plant-based diet 'embraces food myths' and promotes crash dieting, experts say

Last week, the pop diva posted a YouTube video, “22 Days Nutrition,” promoting a diet plan created by her trainer and “exercise physiologist” Marco Borges. (The singer doubled up and followed the diet for 44 days in preparation for her 2018 Coachella performance.)

Published: 30 Jul 2019

BIG NEWS NETWORK | The amazing baby brain says 'pas de problème' with bilingualism

People often say that babies are like little sponges - with their ability to soak up language quickly and easily.

Yet much of the early research on language acquisition has focused on young infants learning only one language. This research was guided by an implicit assumption that learning one language is the usual and optimal way to learn to talk. 

Published: 30 Jul 2019

CBC | Plant-based eggs join meatless options at Tim Hortons

Tim Hortons is testing the fake omelette — made with mung bean protein isolate — in two regions in southern Ontario. If it's a hit, the product will join the Beyond Meat plant-based burger and breakfast sausage already on the menu at Tim Hortons and A&Ws across Canada.

Published: 29 Jul 2019


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