Find your own path

myPath offers many tools and programming options that can help you plan for your future.

There are many different ways that you can create an IDP and myPath is here to help you.

To determine which exercises, tools and programs may be right for you, start by considering your needs and priorities.

How detailed do you want your IDP to be? How much time are you willing to spend on it? Are you someone who likes to talk about their future plans with others, or do you think best alone? What areas would you like to focus on - personal, professional, or academic?

Whatever your needs may be, myPath has programming, tools, and resources to help you identify your goals and create a plan that works for you.

Take a look at the following options to find the path that's best suited for you.

Path 1: A comprehensive approach to the IDP:

for those who would like a comprehensive plan that considers their personal wellbeing, academic progress and Professional ambitions. 



The IDP workbook: a comprehensive collection of self-assessment and reflection exercises designed to help you identify your skills, interests, and values on which you can base your vision and priorities for the upcoming year.

The myPath WebApp: helps you to consider your skills, interests, and values, and to reflect on your experiences. Includes features such as email reminders, links to upcoming workshops and programs, and reports to track your progress.

Path 1.A : I find getting feedback from my peers helpful

Programs for those who prefer to reflect on their goals with others

Path 1.B: I like to process my thoughts solo or one-on-one

For those who would rather create their IDP alone


Create your IDP and connect with your peers by attending our Peer Pathways Program, which meets once a week for 4 weeks, or attend one of our IDP roundtable retreats.

The Connected Academics Roundtables for incoming Faculty of Arts graduate students are also a great place to meet other students and discuss your professional and academic goals.

If you're looking for a confidential and supportive network of peers, our Sharing Diverse Experiences support group provides a safe space for self-introspection and discussion around personal experiences related to life and academia.


IDP Silent Retreat: create your IDP in a peaceful environment by following our one-day workshop.

Write your IDP at your own pace by following the myPath Video Series.

If you need additional help, we've got you covered with our Troubleshoot your goals: IDP lab and one-on-one counselling or coaching services.


Path 2: A streamlined approach To the IDP

For those who already have a good grasp of their goals and priorities


The myPath mini-workbook: a condensed version of our bigger workbook, with exercises and videos designed to help you focus on what matters.

IDP exercises designed for the PTF: follow these reflexive exercises to identify goals and priorities for your PTF.

The myPath template: an easy to use and beautifully designed form that you can use to write out your goals.


Planning with Purpose: this one hour workshop (online or in-person) will go over the IDP basics you need to know.

Stay on Track: a new workshop aimed at helping you stay on top of your goals.

Special topic workshops: a new workshop series covering a range of topics including supervision, wellness, and finances.

Path 3: Alternative approaches to the IDP

For those who prefer to use individual or external methods of goal setting


There are external IDP tools that might be more appropriate for you depending on your program or needs.

Use the IDF framework to find workshops and events through SKILLSETS that can help you develop your skills.

Check out these additional resources at McGill.


Planning with Purpose: get familiar with the basics of creating an IDP.

Check out our special workshops that cover a range of topics including supervision, wellness, and finances.

The Connected Academics Roundtables for incoming Faculty of Arts graduate students are also a great place to meet other students and discuss your professional and academic goals.

Bottom line: There's no "right" way to create an IDP. Whichever path you choose, myPath is here to support you. 

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