
Media Resources:

So Curious! The Franklin Institute

Interview with Stephen McAdams, Podcast The Science of Music. Episode 3 "Timbre, Synthesizers, and Orchestration"

Royal Society of Canada

Video portrait of Stephen McAdams

Future Directions in Music Cognition 2021

Keynote lecture by Stephen McAdams, Analyzing the perceptual effects of orchestration practice through the lens of auditory grouping principles. File McAdams_FDMC_2021.mp4

La Marseillaise

Interview in French with lead author Etienne Thoret on paper published in Nature Human Behaviour by Thoret, Caramiaux, Depalle & McAdams: D'où vient le timbre si singulier et subtil des instruments de musique? (2020)

CogMIR 2019

Keynote address by Stephen McAdams: A framework for modeling perceptual effects of auditory scene analysis in orchestral scores.

Timbre 2018: Timbre is a many-splendored thing

Keynote addresses by Stephen McAdams, Emily Dolan, Vinoo Alluri, and Cornelia Fales available here.

Berlin Interdisciplinary Workshop on Timbre

Keynote addresses and talks (including MPCL members Stephen McAdams and Etienne Thoret and former members Sven-Amin Lembke and Kai Siedenburg)

Tim Falconer's book Bad Singer

Features MPCL research on musical timbre.

Research Alive @ Schulich

Lecture-concert series co-curated by Stephen McAdams and Kit Soden.

See the Research Alive YouTube playlist on the Schulich School of Music's YouTube channel.

Presentations by lab members: Stephen McAdams (2016), Jason Noble (2017) and Lena Heng (2019).

Special round table with members of the ACTOR Composer-performer Orchestration Research Ensemble (CORE) project (2022).

Music (partially) transcends cultures

Our article in Frontiers in Psychology with Hauke Egermann, Lorraine Chuen and Nathalie Fernando at UdeM has created quite a media storm with 66 news articles in 15 countries and 5 radio interviews in Canada and Germany.

• Scientific American - Podcast with Andrea Alfano

The Globe & Mail (Canada)

The Independent (UK)

The Toronto Star (Canada)

Daily Mail (UK)

Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany)

Milestones in Music Cognition (BKN25)

Videos available of the presentations in honour of the 25th anniversary of books by Albert S. Bregman, Carol Lynne Krumhansl and Eugene Narmour, July 2014.

NYU-Abu Dhabi The Rhythm Project 2013

Video of Stephen McAdams "Timbre as a Structuring Force in Music", March 2013 (without the slides; slides here).


Stephen McAdams presents an overview of the research project "Compositional Applications of Auditory Scene Synthesis in Concert Spaces via Gestural Control". [2006].

    "What is CIRMMT?" in 2006 Mini-Music. With Sean Ferguson and Marcelo Wanderley.

      Stephen McAdams, CIRMMT Director from 2004-2009, presents an overview of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology. [2006].

        Overview of CIRMMT research axis 5, presented by Stephen McAdams (McGill University). [2006].

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