Music score turning into a graph

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Music Perception and Cognition Lab


Director: Stephen McAdams

Professor of Music Research
Canada Research Chair in Music Perception and Cognition 2004-2025
Killam Research Fellow 2016-2019
ACTOR Project Director, Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration 2018-2026
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2022-present

Professor Stephen McAdams talking at a presentation



ACTOR Project Logo


In the Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory (MPCL), we explore how listeners perceive musical sounds, how they comprehend a complex musical scene composed of sources, events, sequences, and musical structures and how they react emotionally to that scene. We use techniques of digital signal processing, mechanics, psychophysics, cognitive psychology, psychophysiology, cognitive neuroscience and music theory and analysis. 

Au sein du Laboratoire de perception et cognition musicales nous explorons comment les auditeurs comprennent une scène musicale complexe composée de sources, d'événements, de séquences et de structures musicales et comment ces auditeurs réagissent émotionnellement à cette scène. Nous utilisons les techniques du traitement numérique de signaux, de la mécanique, de la psychophysique, de la psychologie cognitive, de la psychophysiologie, des neurosciences cognitives, et de la théorie et de l'analyse musicales. 

The Music Perception and Cognition Lab is affiliated with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) and is part of the Music Technology area of the Schulich School of Music of McGill University.


Schulich School of Music

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