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Post-doctoral Fellows and Researchers
Michael Rollings
bio coming soon
michael.rollings [at] (Email)
Véronique Meunier
Véronique Meunier (Ph.D (2013), McGill).
I have been a research assistant at the J. S. Marshall Radar Observatory, located near the MacDonald Campus in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, since 2014 under the direction of Prof. Frédéric Fabry. My main current research project is the development of a fully scanning microwave radiometer. I am also responsible verifying the calibration and assisting in the maintenance of the S-band radar and other instruments belonging to the Radar Research Group, as well as developing processing software for these data.
Since September 2019, I’m also involved in the new infrastructure deployment Project, an Adaptable Earth-Observation System in the St-Lawrence Valley, under Prof. John Gyakum. I am responsible of the maintenance of the various instruments in several different locations in the St-Lawrence Valley and doing research with the data of these instruments.
Some publications since joining McGill
Kilambi, A., F. Fabry, and V. Meunier, 2018: A simple end effective method for separating meteorological from non-meteorological targets using dual-polarization data, JTECH, 98(10), 2135 - 2148.
Fabry, F., Meunier, V., Puidomenech Tresseras, B., Cournouyer, A. and Nelson, B., 2017: On the climatological use of radar mosaics: Possibilities and Challenges, BAMS, 98(10), 2135 - 2148.
Meunier, V., D.D. Turner, and P. Kollias, 2015: On the challenges of tomography retrievals of a 2D water vapor field using ground-based microwave radiometers: An observation system simulation experiment, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 32(1), 116-130.
Meunier, V., U. Löhnert, P. Kollias, and S. Crewell, 2013: Biases caused by the instrument bandwidth and beam width on simulated brightness temperature measurements from scanning microwave radiometers, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6(5), 1171 – 1187.
veronique.meunier2 [at] (Email)
Guillaume Dueymes
bio coming soon
Yevgen Nazarenko
yevgen.nazarenko [at] (Email)
Aleksandra Tatarevic
I received an M.Sc. in Atmospheric Science at the Université du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) in 2008. Since then I have been working as a research assistant at the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences of McGill University in the group of Professor Pavlos Kollias. I have been involved in multiple projects linked to atmospheric sciences funded by the European Space Agency (CASPER, DAME, VARSY, DORSY). I specialized in radar forward models and gained extensive experience in electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering and have a high-level computer and programming qualifications. I have a vast experience in modelling and processor development including retrieval model of the ice cloud microphysics, detailed radar forward simulators and gridding of the radar observables. I have an interest in cloud and precipitation microphysics, numerical modeling, remote sensing and statistical methods.
Since 2015, I am involved in the ESA’s founded DOppler Radar and SYnergy products for EarthCARE (DORSY) project in which I have the role of the EarthCARE Cloud Doppler Profiling Radar (CPR) working-packages manager and lead scientist and work in the team with Dr Wanda Szyrmer and Dr Pavlos Kollias. I am responsible for development of software creating the EarthCARE CPR L2a Feature Mask and Reflectivity (C-FMR) Product, Quality-controlled Doppler Measurements (C-CD) Product, Target Precipitation (C-TC) Product and Cloud and Precipitation Retrieval (C-CLD) Data Product.
I am one of the authors and the main programmer of the following processors written in Fortran that have been released under GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE and are available online to scientific community:
(1) Cloud Resolving Model Radar Simulator (CR-SIM) ( generates the “idealized” forward modelled scanning (or vertical-pointing) Doppler radar observations at different frequencies from the output of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model (WRF) and for different microphysical packages.
(2) Scanning ARM Cloud Radars (SACR) Processing Package ( for the data quality control and post-processing of ingest data coming from scanning radars operating under Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program.
Some publications since joining McGill University:
Burns D, Kollias P, Tatarevic A, Battaglia A, Tanelli S [2016] The Performance of the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar in Marine Stratiform Clouds: EarthCARE CPR in Marine Stratus Clouds, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025090.
Oue M, Kollias P, North KW, Tatarevic A, Endo S, Vogelmann AM, Gustafson WI Jr (2016) Estimation of Cloud Fraction Profile in Shallow Convection Using a Scanning Cloud Radar, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070776.
Conferences attended this academic year:
Tatarevic A, Szyrmer W, Kollias P, Battaglia A (2018): Input test data and common test scenes. Joint L2 Team Meeting, ESTEC, NE, 21-22 March 2018
Tatarevic A, Szyrmer W, Kollias P, Battaglia A (2018): C-PRO, C-CLD, C-APC Processor Development Status. Joint L2 Team Meeting, ESTEC, NE, 21-22 March 2018
Kollias P, Tatarevic A, Szyrmer W, Battaglia A, Hogan R, Bozzo A, Irbah A, Dealonoe J (2018): Post DORSY Activities. Joint L2 Team Meeting, ESTEC, NE, 21-22 March 2018
Oue M, Kollias P, Tatarevic A, North K, Matusi T, Fridlind A, Wand D, Yu K (2018): State of 3D Convective Vertical Velocity Retrievals at the ARM Sites: Application of Radar Simulator to Evaluation of Observation-Based Retrievals. Joint ARM User Facility and ASR PI Meeting, March 19-23, 2018, Tysons, VA
Oue M, Kollias P, Tatarevic A, Endo S, Vogelmann A. M, Gustafson Jr. W. I (2018): Challenges to Evaluate 3D LES Using Ground-Based Profiling Observations for Shallow Cumulus Clouds. Joint ARM User Facility and ASR PI Meeting, March 19-23, 2018, Tysons, VA
aleksandra.tatarevic [at] (Email)
Bernat Puigdomenech Treserras
I received a BSc in computer engineering with a specialization in software engineering in 2009 from Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. Since then, I have been working as a research assistant at the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University.
Research interests: Numerical Weather Prediction, ground-based and space-borne radars, data visualization and development of operational applications and scientific software.
Some publications since joining McGill:
On the climatological use of radar data composites: Possibilities and challenges
Fabry F., Meunier V., Puigdomènech B., Cournoyer A. and Nelson B. (Mar, 2017)
Conferences attended this academic year:
Evaluation of GPM and CloudSat satellite data for cloud and precipitation studies. Puigdomènech B. and Kollias, P. — DOE ARM/ASR Radar Workshop, USA. 2017
Predictability and nowcasting of precipitation using a weather radar attractor. Foresti, L., Puigdomènech, B. et al. — Weather Radar and Hydrology, Korea, 2017
bernat.ptreserras [at] (Email)
Tizane Peng
Tianze Peng joined the department of AOS at McGill in March 2020 as a two-year postdoctoral researcher to study upper ocean dynamics after obtaining his Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame in January 2020. He is working with Prof. David Straub on the contributions of a variety of flow regimes to sea surface height (SSH). In this project, Tianze focuses on computational techniques for high-resolution simulations using MITgcm and data analysis for flow diagnostics and decompositions. Before studying the eddying ocean at McGill, Tianze had been working on sea spray in high winds, where he used Eulerian-Lagrangian direct numerical simulations (DNS) to investigate feedback mechanisms of evaporating spray at the air-sea interface.
tianze.peng [at] (Email)
Quentin Alain Coopman
I am a Postdoctoral researcher in the cloud physics group lead by Ivy Tan in the Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences at McGill University. My work focuses on the characterization and description of mixed-phase clouds, that are composed of both liquid droplets and ice crystals, in the Arctic. Ground-based and space-based observations in synergy with numerical simulations help to understand mixed-phased clouds, how clouds thermodynamic phase transition from liquid to ice, and the potential impact for the Climate.
Before coming to McGill, I was at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology as a Postdoctoral researcher in cloud Physics, developing a cloud tracking algorithm from space-based observations to analyse the cloud thermodynamic phase transition. Prior to that, I did my PhD in Atmospheric Science at the University of Utah (USA) and the University of Lille (France) on the aerosol-cloud interaction in the Arctic.
quentin.coopman [at] (Email)