Jade Sauvé

BSc 2018

Currently a PhD student at the School of Oceanography, University of Washington


1. What was your area of study (Atmospheric or Oceanic sciences)? Could you describe in a line or two your research/ area of interest while you were studying at McGill? 

In the course of my undergraduate degree in ocean sciences, I had the chance to undertake undergraduate research under the supervision of Prof. Carolina Dufour. I used a suite of global coupled climate models to investigate the role of resolution, and of oceanic mesoscale eddies, on the response of sea ice to climate change.

2. Looking back, what do you value most about your studies at Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences at McGill?

The opportunity to do research at the undergraduate level was essential to help me determine what I wanted to pursue after my degree. I am grateful to have been able to work on a project tailored to my interests and abilities.

3. How are you applying your degree in Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences from McGill?

I am currently a graduate student in physical oceanography at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. My research examines the fluxes of carbon and oxygen in the surface layer of the Southern Ocean using observations from autonomous profiling floats


(Jan 2020)

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