Alexis Riopel

M.Sc. 2016

Reporter at Le Devoir

1- What was your area of study (atmospheric or oceanic sciences)? Could you describe in a line or two your research/ area of interest while you were studying at McGill?

I studied the physics of the ocean from a theoretical point of view. Using simple models, I looked into the interactions between the near-inertial waves and geostrophic currents.


2- Looking back, what do you value most about your studies at AOS at McGill?

I value the support from my M.Sc director, David Straub. He was always there to help me, while giving me the flexibility I needed to learn how to do research. I also value the many people I met in the AOS department. Many of them are now friends.


3- How are you applying your degree in atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences from McGill?

As a journalist, I use everyday the skills and knowledge I got during my degree at McGill University. Not the technical details, but the perspective on the world a scientist develops. This helps me write on scientific subjects, of course, but also on political, social or environmental subjects.


4- What advice would you give to someone considering graduate studies in atmospheric or oceanic sciences at McGill?

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of the century. Even if you don't know exactly what you want to do afterwards, a degree in AOS will give you a precious preparation for what is coming!


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