June 30, 2019 | For doctors across Canada, the evidence at the bedside is increasingly hard to ignore: climate change poses a serious health risk. Chris Ragan, Director of the Max Bell School of...
August 12, 2019 | In this piece, Christopher Ragan, Director of the Max Bell School of Public Policy, argues that economists know the more we lean on carbon pricing, the better off our economy will...
October 7, 2019 | In this opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun, Max Bell School Director Chris Ragan and Mark Jaccard, Director at the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser...
November 27, 2019 | The Ecofiscal Commission's latest report says that if Canada were to meet its 2030 targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions through carbon pricing, it must more than quadruple...
When Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau took office in 2015 as Canada’s prime minister, a top priority was to establish Canada as a global leader on climate change. At the United Nations’ climate...
Do you believe governments should do everything they can to address climate change, but find it difficult to know exactly what that should be?6th Floor, 680 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC,...
August 29, 2019 | The latest data from the Digital Democracy Project suggests that while 17 per cent of respondents indicated the environment was a top election issue, on par with health care, and...
June 24, 2019 | Climate change affects many aspects of people's lives. As it is a common source of worry to doctors and economists alike, the proposed solutions to climate change are numerous....
The event took place at the Rideau Club in Ottawa on February 25, 2019. Panelists included: Nancy Olewiler, Director of and professor in the School of Public Policy at Simon Fraser University;...