Emmanuel Kofi Yeboah


Emmanuel Kofi Yeboah is a MasterCard Foundation Scholar and a final year student in the School of Social Work at McGill University. He is currently undertaking his practicum work as a Case Manager at the Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS). At KSCS, Emmanuel conducts needs assessment and develops intervention strategies, including psychosocial treatment plans for clients. He also liaises with the legal department to provide counselling services for indigenous people concerning their end of life and ageing-out of care preparations and he also sits on elders abuse cases on the reserve. Before this, Emmanuel worked with Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi-NDG as an Assistant Youth Specialized. He delivered preventive and rehabilitative services to clients in the areas of suicide prevention and family violence. He has strong project management skills and facilitated the recruitment of youth and volunteers for a snow removal project worth $15,000 by Montreal. Emmanuel also works for McGill Student Housing and Hospitality Service, where he coordinates with the residence management office to design and implement personalized interactive programs for students in residence. In many situations, he has used his skills in special care and counselling to provide therapy and support to students struggling emotionally, financially and academically.

Emmanuel’s interest evolves around advocating for justice for vulnerable people, including minorities, black community and the indigenous population. He is also interested in community development programs aimed at improving the lives of rural people in Africa. Currently, he is a co-founder of Kuapa Solar, an initiative to provide farming services and tools to support rural families whose primary income is dependent on small-scale farming by giving them the technical knowledge and expertise for higher productivity.nies.

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