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If TEM is not suitable for my samples, what other techniques could be used?
Consult the Technique Finder on the Microscopy Australia website for analytical suggestions.

Something unexpected happened, and I could not use my session with the microscope. Can I cancel my booking?
If your session is scheduled in more than 24 hr, you will be able to cancel your reservation through the FEMR Scheduler system. However, FEMR has a strict 24 hr cancellation policy. The reason for this policy is to allow FEMR staff to reallocate your session to other researchers and avoid valuable instrument time being wasted. We understand emergencies happen sometimes, but only under exceptional circumstances will a short cancellation notice be permitteded. Keep in mind, however, it is not a common practice.  

The microscope is not working when I came to my session. What should I do?
If the microscope is not working at the beginning of your session, please get in touch with staff, who help you to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution. If a substantial amount of time is required by staff to get the microscope working again, you will not be charged for this time. If staff determines service must be called, they will help you to rebook your session. We always encourage users to seek advice from staff when there are glitches or a microscope is malfunctioning during their sessions rather than trying to resolve the problem by themselves. 

How do I get access to FEMR and the microscope rooms?
Please contact the facility manager to request activation of your McGill ID for the rooms housing the instruments you are using in your project. You need to have completed the instrument training and be an independent user (Group 1 user) before you can be given unsupervised access to a microscope. 

I am the last user of the day on a transmission electron microscope. Should I leave the microscope on?
No. If you are the last user of the day on the TEM, you must start the cryo-cycle. Please follow the described protocol to start the cryo-cycle on the instrument you are using.  

I went to the room, and nobody was using the microscope. Can I use it?
We do not allow users to use a microscope unless they have an account for Infinity (online scheduler). Access the scheduler and book the time you plan to use it. If the time slot is already occupied, please contact the facility manager to request to use the microscope at that time.  

I am trying to book the FEI Tecnai G2 F20 cryo-STEM, but the user(s) is monopolizing most of the available time. What should I do?
Users are not allowed to book more than two sessions in advance on any microscope. We only enforce this rule if we have to or find users not observing it regularly. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact the facility manager to ensure you can reserve your session within a reasonable time frame. 


I am finally getting my project published in Nature (or Science). Should I acknowledge FEMR in my publication? 

It is important for FEMR funding and sustainability that users acknowledge the use of the facility. Please look under our Publication link to learn more about our publication policy and how you should acknowledge the FEMR in your publication. 

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