McGill24: A Day of Giving

McGill24: Make an Impact on March 13
McGill24 is all about the power of participation: when the McGill community comes together, our collective impact is great. The many ways in which McGill changes lives – by making a top-quality education accessible to deserving students, shaping tomorrow’s leaders and supporting research that is solving global problems – is a source of pride for us all.
Annual, flexible funding is critical to McGill’s success. These gifts go to work immediately to support the University’s most important initiatives, from scholarships to experiential learning opportunities for students. You may direct your gift to any faculty or area of McGill.
Taking part in this day of giving is a way of standing up and demonstrating your pride in the values of McGill and in the powerful role it has in society. Every single gift counts, no matter the size, for as more people give, every gift can count for more.
Who doesn't like a challenge?
On March 13, your gift can have an even bigger impact, thanks to a number of challenges across the University. Here’s how they work: challenges are created by generous donors who want to encourage others to join them in supporting McGill by agreeing to “unlock” additional funds once a target number of donations is reached. For instance, a donor may propose that if at least 100 people give to a particular faculty, that donor will contribute an additional $10,000 to that area.
Support the Faculty of Dentistry:
Encourage fellow graduates from the Faculty of Dentistry to join you in giving on March 13 so you can amplify the support Dentistry receives! When we surpass a certain number of donations, a challenge donor will unlock even more funds for the Faculty!
Share your #McGillMoment
Whether it was seeing your first patient’s smile brighten the room, or finally putting on the white coat during your graduation ceremony—your McGill Moment can be big or small, but it is something that makes you proud of being a McGillian. And as world-class dental professionals trained at McGill, you have a lot to be proud of.