...An obvious person to ask for help on understanding how to deal with introverts is fellow extrovert Professor Karl Moore of McGill University, whose work on the treatment of introverts in the corporate environment has gained much attention, including in this popular Economist article. He combines real-world experience with academic thinking, which has led him to publish 28 refereed journal articles and ten books, leading to over 1,950 Google Scholar cites.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

La bataille qui a ponctué les 20 dernières années recommence : après l’avoir évoqué il y a quelques mois, le Brésil a confirmé lundi qu’il se tournera vers l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) au sujet des appuis gouvernementaux reçus par le constructeur Bombardier, lequel répond n’avoir rien à se reprocher. Son concurrent brésilien, Embraer, est ravi.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 9 Jan 2017

Some people have gotten fed up with the hoopla surrounding employee engagement, as evidenced by these articles from Fistful of Talent, HR Magazine and ERE Media. It’s not hard to understand their feelings.

...However, I came across a Forbes article written by Karl Moore and Vincenzo Ciampi, who make a compelling case that the engagement crisis is NOT a group problem, at least not at its core. In “Leadership Engagement Always Trumps Employee Engagement,” Moore and Ciampi argue that “engagement is a leadership issue that the CEO must address, period.”

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 6 Jan 2017

"Il était plutôt prévisible que le Brésil décide de faire ça », a dit Karl Moore, professeur à l’Université McGill et observateur aguerri de l’industrie aérospatiale. Le Brésil montre les crocs tout simplement, selon lui, « et je crois que le Canada n’aura pas de problèmes avec l’OMC."

Le programme CSeries avait attiré l’attention dès 2008, le gouvernement américain disant alors vouloir étudier de près les appuis gouvernementaux dont bénéficiait alors la compagnie. Bombardier avait affirmé que tout était conforme aux règles.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 6 Jan 2017

In 2006, Professor Karl Moore led 40 Desautels Faculty of Management students to Omaha, Nebraska to learn from legendary investment guru, Warren Buffett.

Given the tremendous success of the first visit and the recognized value of experiential learning, the Desautels Faculty of Management has arranged another opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to meet the iconic Warren Buffett on January 20, 2017.

Classified as: Karl Moore, Master of Management in Finance (MMF)
Published on: 9 Dec 2016

One of the reasons I love the industry that I work for is the opportunity to experience different parts of the world. There are many differences across cultures, some a bit obvious – like the food we eat and the things we do. But in essence, there is a really strong commonality. People all over the world want to come to work, be recognized for doing a great job, and contribute to something that energizes them. Everyone wants to make a real difference.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 6 Dec 2016

Karl Moore is a professor of strategy and organization at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. In this exclusive interview he speaks with Paul Martin.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 1 Dec 2016

Written by Karl Moore 

Introverts would tend see networking as something they hate to do. But our research suggests that introverted networking can be powerful and an approach that an extrovert, like myself, should learn to emulate, at least part of the time. Rather than working a room the way an extrovert would, speaking to many people for a short time each, introverts often speak to fewer people but have longer, more detailed and richer conversations. 

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

One of Bombardier's largest Canadian rail customers has threatened to cancel a contract over continued delays in delivering a prototype train in Toronto, handing another blow to the beleaguered company.

Metrolinx ramped up pressure on Bombardier by issuing a formal notice of intent to terminate its $770-million contract after the company missed a commitment to deliver a prototype by the end of last month.

McGill University management professor Karl Moore said the ongoing rail challenges make people a little nervous about giving funding to a firm that appears incompetent.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 14 Nov 2016

Eric Friedman, 39, is co-founder and chief technology officer of Fitbit Inc., a maker of wearable fitness monitors that can track and share user data.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 14 Nov 2016

Metrolinx is frustrated with Bombardier after it missed a commitment to deliver a prototype by the end of last month.

McGill University management professor Karl Moore said the ongoing rail challenges make people a little nervous about giving funding to a firm that appears incompetent.

Read full article: Design Engineering, November 7, 2016 

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 8 Nov 2016

Bombardier is facing another blow to its reputation after one of its largest Canadian rail customers threatened to cancel a contract over continued delays in delivering a prototype train in Toronto.

McGill University management professor Karl Moore said ongoing rail challenges make people a little nervous about giving funding to a company that appears incompetent.

Read full article: Plant, November 7, 2016 

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 8 Nov 2016

One of Bombardier’s largest Canadian rail customers has threatened to cancel a contract over continued delays in delivering a prototype train in Toronto, handing another blow to the beleaguered company.

Metrolinx ramped up pressure on Bombardier by issuing a formal notice of intent to terminate its $770-million contract after the company missed a commitment to deliver a prototype by the end of last month.

McGill University management professor Karl Moore said the ongoing rail challenges make people a little nervous about giving funding to a firm that appears incompetent.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 7 Nov 2016

A Canadian airline analyst says, theoretically, relaxed rules on airline ownership in this country will lead to more competition and lower prices.

Transport Minister Marc Garneau announced Thursday morning the federal Liberals’ to plan raise foreign ownership limits of airlines from 25 per cent to 49.

Karl Moore from McGill University in Calgary said Friday foreign investors don’t find the current 25 per cent ownership restriction very attractive.

Read full article: 630 CHED, November 4, 2016

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 7 Nov 2016

Metrolinx has threatened to cancel a contract with Bombardier over continued delays in delivering a prototype train in Toronto, handing another blow to the beleaguered company.

Ontario’s regional transportation agency ramped up pressure on Bombardier by issuing a formal notice of intent to terminate its $770-million contract after the company missed a commitment to deliver a prototype by the end of last month.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 7 Nov 2016


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