Updated: Mon, 10/07/2024 - 21:42

From Saturday, Oct. 5 through Tuesday, Oct. 8, the Downtown and Macdonald Campuses will be open only to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Many classes will be held online. Remote work required where possible. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Du samedi 5 octobre au mardi 8 octobre, le campus du centre-ville et le campus Macdonald ne seront accessibles qu’aux étudiants et aux membres du personnel de l’Université McGill, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. De nombreux cours auront lieu en ligne. Le personnel devra travailler à distance, si possible. Voir le site Web de la Direction de la protection et de la prévention pour plus de détails.

E.g., 10/08/2024
E.g., 10/08/2024
Title Source Sitesort descending Published
Postdoc Thibault Legal has a new publication in the Journal of Cell Biology
Nov 6, 2023 14:47
Congratulations to these ACB graduate students on receiving funding!
May 22, 2024 16:00
PhD student Neha Dinesh recognized by the American Society of Matrix Biology
Oct 26, 2023 11:17
Prof. Venne is the 2024 recipient of the Osler Award for Outstanding Teaching in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Jun 11, 2024 13:29
New Publication by Postdoctoral Fellow Lia Paim
Feb 28, 2024 15:41
Graduate student Kalley Kho is first author in a new JCI publication
Nov 7, 2023 11:09
Publication from ACB and McGill Undergraduates
May 15, 2024 13:13
The McGill Reporter has profiled the Body Donor Program.
Nov 2, 2023 15:59
Anatomy & Cell Biology Scientific Image Contest: Winners Announced!
Aug 22, 2024 10:17
Congratulations to our undergraduate scholarship winners!
Jun 6, 2024 09:56
New publication from the Reinhardt and Strauss labs
May 30, 2024 10:33
New publication from the Bui Lab
Apr 17, 2024 12:34
Prof. Charles E. Smith has received an honorary doctorate from L'Université Laval
Jun 5, 2024 13:33
Fellowship Announcement 2023-2024
Nov 21, 2023 10:48
Dean's Reception for Fellowship Recipients
Feb 6, 2024 11:01
Honours Information Session - April 3
Mar 18, 2024 08:42
Weaver-Tremblay Award in Canadian Applied Anthropology 2023 - Prof. Colin Scott
Oct 30, 2023 15:29
Integrated Management Student Fellowship (IMSF) at the DataSphere Lab: Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders
May 2, 2024 11:06
Dana Small becomes Canada Excellence Research Chair in Metabolism and the Brain
Nov 21, 2023 13:19
BIC researchers among the world's most cited
Nov 21, 2023 13:13
Fellows Feature: Carlos A. Ramirez Hernandez & Bertram Melix
May 5, 2024 22:59
Research Highlight: Visualizing Daily Time Use on Housework in Canada: Persistence and Patterns
May 5, 2024 23:02
Research Highlight: Public sector health analytics capacity before and after Covid-19: A case study of manager perspectives in New Brunswick, Canada
Aug 1, 2024 10:40
Fellows Feature: Aida Parnia & Regan Johnston
May 5, 2024 23:02
2022-23 CAnD3 Annual Report is published to celebrate the halfway point of the $2.5M SSHRC Partnership Grant
Apr 25, 2024 06:01
Fellows Feature: Maria Ahmed & Chris Borst
May 5, 2024 22:36
Fellows Feature: Rebecca Stewart, Pratik Mahajan & Kate Marr-Laing
Apr 25, 2024 06:08
Fellows Feature: Stephen Ogbodo & Tara Henry
May 5, 2024 22:41
Postdoctoral Positions : Understanding and Supporting Quality of Work Life in Long-term Care (LTC)
May 1, 2024 14:20
Fellows Feature: Shannon Mok & Khandideh Williams
Apr 25, 2024 09:23
Fellows Feature: Megan Skowronski & Bavisha Thurairajah
May 5, 2024 22:51
Arup Virtual Event - ED&I: Spotlight on Indigenous Communities
Dec 1, 2023 08:33
Séance d’information virtuelle sur le recrutement universitaire de l'hiver 2024 de Deloitte Canada | Deloitte Canada’s campus recruitment Winter 2024 virtual info session
Dec 19, 2023 10:45
November 1st, 2023: A great day for Mrs. Manon Berthiaume
Jan 15, 2024 09:25
Elsy Zavarce, new CIRM member
Dec 5, 2023 11:24
Welcome to Christopher Trudeau, new CIRM member!
Nov 21, 2023 14:09
End of stay for Sam Victor, BMO Postdoctoral Fellow 2022-2023
Feb 5, 2024 16:05
New position for our resident scholar, Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay
Dec 8, 2023 09:57
Interview with Thara Charland, new member at CIRM
Sep 16, 2024 16:36
Interview with Aitor Zuberogoitia, Elvira-Zipitria Chair in Basque Studies 2024
Jun 13, 2024 10:56


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