CIRM mandated to build an advisory committee
On October 22nd, Montreal City Council members came to a mutual research agreement between the City and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal (CIRM) for the realization of a project regarding the implementation of the Politique de l’enfant’s five intervention axes “Naître, grandir, s’épanouir à Montréal: de l’enfant à l’adolescence”.
The CIRM received the mandate to build an advisory committee to assist the city on direct and indirect actions to contribute to the development of children on its territory. It was mutually convened that the research for the year 2019 was to address the general question: What are the possible roles of the City of Montreal in terms of Politique de l’enfant?
The advisory committee, led by Pascal Brissette (CIRM director and associate professor to the Department of French Language and Literature, Traduction and Creation, McGill), brings together five research axis leaders and two members coming from four Montreal institutions:
Axis 1: Security and accessibility of the urban environment;
Juan Torrès (Associate Professor and Associate Dean to Research and Partnerships, Faculty of Urban Planning, University of Montreal)
Axis 2: Healthy diet and food security
Anna-Liisa Aunio (Professor, Department of Sociology, Dawson College)
Axis 3: Academic perseverance and educative success
Michel Janosz (Full Professor and Director, School of Psychoeducation, University of Montreal)
Axis 4: Access to culture, sports, and leisure
Culture component
Jean-Marie Lafortune, (Full Professor, Department of Social and Public Communication, University of Quebec in Montreal)
Physical activity and sports component
Suzanne Laberge (Full Professor, School of Kinesiology and Physical Activity Science, Head of the Kinesiology Program, Head of the Laboratory on Sport Sociology and Physical Activity Promotion, University of Montreal)
Axis 5: Families and communities
Sarah Dufour (Full Professor, Head of the Undergraduate Program of the School of Psychoeducation, University of Montreal)
Advisory committee members:
Daniel Weinstock (Full Professor, Law Faculty of McGill University, McGill Institute of Health and Social Policy)
Stéphan Gervais (Scientific coordinator, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal)
Watch our website and social networks in the upcoming months to discover the profile of researchers from the Advisory Committee of the Politique de l’enfant.