Ministry of Agriculture, Grenada, January 26-28, 2009
In collaboration with the CARIWIN project, the Government of Grenada launched its National Water Information System (NWIS) last January 26th. The National Water Information System has now become an official repository for all hydrologic, climate, land, watershed, infrastructure and water related data in Grenada. It is an extremely powerful qualitative and quantitative tool which allows not only the archiving of data, but also displays information in a very comprehensive and visual manner to give a snapshot of the water resources at any time, and any scale, from the national to watershed to parish to community levels. It allows for a review of information by all stakeholders including water users at the community level.
The National Water Information System is a tool that can provide timely information to decision-makers and planners and, if used to its potential, can drastically improve their ability to address water resources and land use challenges.
Under the auspices of the CARIWIN project, the National Water Information System will be linked to other CARIWIN project components such as hydrologic and climate monitoring on the Great River as well as capacity building of professionals and water users in Grenada.
The development of this system was conceived over the last six months, starting with a workshop held in Grenada last June 2008 and culminating with the official launch and training session in January 2009. The process was a true collaborative effort between the developers of the National Water Information System, Mr. Dejan Lekic and Mr. Jim Joseph; the Government of Grenada; McGill University; Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology; with the support of CIDA and the FAO-SLAC. Please use the link on the right-hand side of this page to access the NWIS website.