- CDPMN: Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network
- CWS: Community Water Strategies
- GE: Gender Equality
- IWRM: Integrated Water Resources Management
- MDG: Millennium Development Goal
- NWIS: National Water Information System
- CEF: Caribbean Environmental Forum
- CIWRC: Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress
National Institutions
- AUCC: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (Canada)
- BCWRM: Brace Centre for Water Resources Management (Canada)
- CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency (Canada)
- GWI: Guyana Water Inc. (Guyana)
- IDRC: International Development Research Council (Canada)
- JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency (Japan)
- NAWASA: National Water and Sewerage Authority (Grenada)
- UPCD: University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development (Canada)
- WRA: Water Resources Authority (Jamaica)
Regional Institutions
- CAFRA: Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action
- CARICOM: Caribbean Community and Common Market
- CDERA:Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency
- CEHI: Caribbean Environmental Halth Institute
- CERMES: Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies
- CIMH: Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology
- GEF-IWCAM: Global Environmental Facility - Integrating Watershed and Coastal Area Management
- OECS: Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
- UWI: University of the West Indies
International Institutions
- FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization
- GWA: Gender and Water Alliance
- GWP: Global Water Partnership
- IWMI: International Water Management Institute
- UNDP: UNited Nations Development Programme
- UNIFEM:United Nations Development Fund for Women
- WWC: World Water Council