Documents produced by CARIWIN in 2009

On this page: Documents | Presentations | Annual reports | Course outlines


Summary Report of CARIWIN 2nd Senior Administrators Workshop January 19- 20, 2009 [.pdf]

Community Water Strategy Framework [.pdf]

Scaling up domestic rainwater harvesting at St. Cuthbert's Mission, Guyana [.pdf]
Grenada: Great River Watershed [.pdf]
Guyana: St. Cuthbert's Mission [.pdf]
Jamaica: Mile Gully/Warwick Castle [.pdf]


Senior Administrators Workshop: Day 1

Welcome Address at the CARIWIN Senior Administrators Workshop [.pdf]
CARIWIN: A Progress Report and Project Evaluation [.pdf]

NWIS - Development and implementation in Grenada’s Ministry of Agriculture:
Introduction to Agencies Responsible for Collecting Water Information in Grenada and Type and Frequency of Data Collected [.pdf]

NWIS - Putting in place an institutional mechanism for data sharing and management in the region:
Institutional Collaboration and Mechanisms for Ensuring Sustainability of a NWIS [.pdf]

Gender Issues and Community Water Strategies:
Case Study: Gender and Water Management in Barbados [.pdf]
Gender Equality: Review of CARIWIN's targets and strategies [.pdf]
Integrating Gender Perspectives in Climate Change Adaptation and Implications for Water Management [.pdf]
CARIWIN Community Water Strategies [.pdf]

Senior Administrators Workshop: Day 2

Role of CDERA and potential synergies with the CDPMN [.pdf]

Climate change issues:
Climate Variability and Change in the Caribbean and Implications for Water Resources [.pdf]

The CDPMN - Concept, Objectives, Approach, Work So Far [.pdf]

The North American Drought Monitor:
The North American Drought Monitor - History, Approach and Benefits [.pdf] 

Flood disasters in the Caribbean and the role of monitoring and forecasting:
Flooding in the Caribbean: Improved Forecasting [.pdf]
Flood Disasters in the Caribbean [.pdf]

Drought indices in Barbados:
Potential Use of Indices and Other Indicators to Estimate Drought in Barbados [.pdf]

The North American Drought Monitor in Canada:
Use of NADM in Drought Mitigation, Planning and Management in Canada [.pdf]

Other Events

Brace Day Presentation, March 2009:
Community Water Strategies: A Framework for Implementation [.pdf]

International Research Colloquium of the Network to promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS), Dublin, Ireland, September 2009:
Comparing 3 HWTS Options in St. Cuthbert's Mission, Guyana [.pdf]


Agenda - CARIWIN 2nd Senior Administrators Workshop [.pdf]
Agenda for Gender Equality and Water Accessibility Seminar [.pdf] Grenada NWIS Official Launch [.pdf] 
Grenada NWIS Training Session [.pdf]
Hydrometeorological Training and Data Management [.pdf]



2008-09 CARIWIN Annual Progress Report [.pdf]

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