
SIS PhD student Fei Shu wins iFellowship award for national-scale digital research in Chinese bibliometrics

The McGill School of Information Studies congratulates PhD in Information Studies student Fei Shu, recently selected for the iFellows Doctoral Fellowship program. Fei's thesis proposal was selected from a pool of applicants from 65 iSchools across the world. As an iFellow, Fei will receive a stipend of $50,000 USD over two years to pursue independent dissertation research that supports the goals of the Coherence at Scale Program.

Published: 7 Mar 2016

Dr. Benjamin Fung of the School of Information Studies appointed Canada Research Chair in Data Mining for Cybersecurity

McGill University School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Benjamin Fung has been awarded a Canada Research Chair (CRC Tier 2) in Data Mining for Cybersecurity. Dr. Fung's research program aims to enhance the data sharing and data mining capabilities for healthcare and cyber security professionals.

Published: 12 Feb 2016

McGill School of Information Studies alum Marc-André Bernier, MLIS'11, Quebec's first deaf librarian, in service to his community

Since 2013, McGill School of Information Studies graduate Marc-André Bernier (MLIS'11) has been providing services to deaf clients at the Montreal public library Bibliothèque Le Prévost.

Published: 25 Jan 2016

Career preparation workshops for School of Information Studies students

Students of the McGill University School of Information Studies: in partnership with McGill University's Career and Placement Service (CaPS), the Career Fair Committee is once again holding workshops to help you grab attention from employers.

Published: 14 Jan 2016

Dr. Catherine Guastavino of the School of Information Studies awarded NSERC Engage Grant for virtual acoustics research

Congratulations to McGill School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino on receiving an NSERC Engage Grant from the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada, in partnership with Montreal-based industry partner and market leader Applied Acoustics Systems.

Published: 13 Jan 2016

Dr. Karyn Moffatt of the School of Information Studies awarded NSERC Engage Grant for game-based physical therapy research

Congratulations to McGill School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Karyn Moffatt on receiving an NSERC Engage Grant from the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada to further research to support technological innovation in persuasive technology and game-based physical therapy. Dr. Rita Orji, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Accessible Computing Technology Lab, will take a leading role in the project.


Published: 11 Jan 2016

SIS PhD student Fei Shu and co-authors receive awards for exceptional papers at ASIS&T 2015

Congratulations to McGill School of Information Studies PhD student Fei Shu, recently awarded the 2015 ASIS&T SIG/MET Student Paper Contest for the paper “Evolution of iSchool Movement (1988-2013): A Bibliometric View” by Fei Shu and Philippe Mongeon (McGill University and University de Montreal).

Published: 23 Nov 2015

SIS PhD student Steven Ding wins prize for data mining search engine for computer security

Congratulations to McGill School of Information Studies PhD student, Steven H. H. Ding, who has won 2nd prize in the Hex-Rays Plug-in Contest 2015 for "Kam1n0," a scalable data mining system for a range of computer security-related uses.

Published: 30 Sep 2015

New appointments at the School of Information Studies

The McGill School of Information Studies is pleased to announce the following appointments:

Published: 8 Sep 2015

The School of Information Studies welcomes postdoctoral researcher Dr. Rita Orji at the Accessible Computing Technology Lab

The McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) is pleased to welcome postdoctoral researcher Dr. Rita Orji, who is undertaking research at the Accessible Computing Technology (ACT) Lab with Dr. Karyn Moffatt.

Rita’s research at the ACT Lab will focus on how interactive technologies can be designed to motivate desirable behaviours in older adults.

Published: 3 Sep 2015

Dr. Catherine Guastavino of the School of Information Studies part of team to receive $11M in funding for innovations in music media and technology

McGill School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino is part of a team of researchers with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRRMT) who have been awarded $11M in funding through a grant from Canada Foundation for Innovation's 2015 Innovation Fund.

Published: 7 Jul 2015

School of Information Studies alumna & McGill Librarian April Colosimo awarded Librarian Excellence Award

McGill School of Information Studies alumna April Colosimo (MLIS '05), Liaison Librarian at the Schulich Library of Science and Engineering, has been awarded the McGill Library's 2015 Librarian Excellence Award.

The award recognizes a McGill librarian who has demonstrated excellence in academic librarianship and has shown efforts to improve library services through innovative practice, initiative and resourcefulness.

Published: 7 Jul 2015

Montreal soundscape walks with Daniel Steele, School of Information Studies PhD student, featured in McGill Reporter

McGill School of Information Studies PhD student Daniel Steele was recently featured in a McGill Reporter article on the Montreal urban soundscape walking tours he gave last Fall and will give again this summer. Daniel specializes in the perception and conception of urban soundscapes. Read the article here: "Entendez-vous la ville?"

Published: 7 Jul 2015

Former post-doc Jochen Steffens wins European Acoustics Association award for research at the School of Information Studies

Congratulations to former McGill School of Information Studies postdoctoral researcher Dr. Jochen Steffens on receiving a Best Paper and Presentation Awards to young researchers for his European Acoustics Association Euronoise 2015 article on work undertaken by Jochen at the School last year with PhD student Daniel Steele and Dr. Catherine Guastavino:

Published: 6 Jul 2015

Postdoctoral position in accessible computing technologies, School of Information Studies

The Accessible Computing Technologies research group at McGill University ( is pleased to announce a position for a postdoctoral fellow. Outstanding candidates with a background in HCI and Accessibility are sought for this position. Start date is flexible, with a preference for starting during Summer or early Fall 2015.

Published: 22 Apr 2015


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