
A Wittgensteinian perspective on strategizing

Author: Mantere, S.

Publication: Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice


Published: 20 Jan 2016

Organizing risk: Discourse, power, and "riskification"

Authors: Hardy, C., Maguire, S.

Publication: Academy of Management Review


Published: 8 Jan 2016

The Impact of Investability on Asset Valuation

Authors: Errunza, V., Ta, H.

Publication: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 50, No. 5, 2015


Published: 8 Jan 2016

Debt, labor markets, and the creation and destruction of firms

Authors: Almazan, A., De Motta, A., and Titman,  

Published: 2 Dec 2015

Corporate venture capital portfolios and firm innovation

Authors: Wadhwa, A., Phelps, C. and Kotha, S.c  

Publication: Journal of Business Venturing

Published: 2 Dec 2015

Supply-Side Story: Risks, Guarantees, Competition, and Information Asymmetry

Authors: Gümüş, M.,  Gurnani, H., and Ray, S.  

Publication: Management Science

Published: 23 Nov 2015

Railway crew capacity planning problem with connectivity of schedules

Authors:  Şahinb, G. and Suyabatmaza, A. C.

Publication: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Published: 20 Nov 2015

To thine own self be true?: Facades of conformity, values incongruence, and the magnifying impact of leader integrity

Authors: Burnett, M., Dumas, T., Hewlin, P.

Publication: Academy of Management

Published: 20 Nov 2015

Leading collaboration in online communities

Authors: Faraj, S., Kudaravalli, S., and Wasko, M.

Publication: MIS Quarterly

Published: 19 Nov 2015

The life and times of a senior scholar: an interview with Denise Rousseau

Author: Moore, K.

Publication: Journal of Management History

Published: 19 Nov 2015

Individually perceived IS slack resources and innovating with it

Authors: Rahrovani, Y. and Pinsonneault, A.  

Publication: System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference

Published: 3 Nov 2015

Distinct threats, common remedies: How consumers cope with psychological threat

Authors: Han, D., Duhachek, A., and Rucker, D.D.  

Published: 30 Oct 2015

The Impact of Product Substitution and Retail Capacity on the Timing and Depth of Price Promotions: Theory and Evidence

Authors: Gumus, M., Kaminsky, P., and Mathur, S.

Publication: International Journal of Production Research

Published: 30 Oct 2015

Correcting for misspecification in parameter dynamics to improve forecast accuracy with adaptively estimated models

Authors: Kolsarici, C. and Vakratsas, D.

Publication: Management Science 

Published: 30 Oct 2015

Tipping Points: The Gender Segregating and Desegregating Effects of Network Recruitment

Authors: Fernandez, R. M. and Rubineau, B.

Publications: Organization Science

Published: 21 Oct 2015


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