
Professor Etzion selected as finalist for Giarratani Rising Star Award

Professor Dror Etzion was selected as a finalist of this year's Giarratani Rising Star Award (GRSA) for his paper entitled, “Institutional logics and environmental strategy in the office furniture industry.” The three finalists and winner will be honoured at the upcoming Industry Studies Conference in late May where they will present their work in a special session with a senior leader in the field.

Published: 11 Apr 2014

Mintzberg, le grand oracle du management

Nous voici donc face à l’icône.

Published: 9 Apr 2014

The Art (NOT Science) of Management–and Its Cousin Leadership

It seems that a number of people want to be scientists, or at least in the sense of ostensibly adding credibility to their respective field of work. Economists (of which I’ve been a practitioner since 1982) and those in the leadership field (yours truly since the early nineties) covet the science moniker. Adding the word “science” adds a certain cachet to one’s profession.

Published: 8 Apr 2014

Déséquilibre social

À l’occasion de la sortie de son pamphlet «Rééquilibrer la société», l’académicien de renommée mondiale Henry Mintzberg discutait au Cercle Universitaire de McGill, jeudi 27 mars, de sa conception des priorités sociales. La société, dit-il, est composée de trois piliers qu’il faut savoir équilibrer: le public, le privé, et ce qu’il appelle le pluriel, «la société civile».

Published: 2 Apr 2014

Une guerre pour aider des femmes

Women for Women International est une organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) œuvrant à aider les femmes dans des pays qui ont été affectés par des conflits militaires. Depuis quelques mois, un groupe de dix étudiants a décidé de lutter pour cette cause à l’échelle de l’Université McGill. Le Délit a pu avoir une entrevue avec Zoë Holl, responsable médias et communications et Faustine Rohr-Lacoste, co-fondatrice et responsable événements et levées de fonds.

Published: 2 Apr 2014

Talking Management witk Karl Moore: Why You Need to View a Company as 'a Community of Human Beings'

Professor Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University speaks to professor Henry Mintzberg about his new e-pamphlet "Rebalancing Society."

Published: 2 Apr 2014

Finding Ways to Inspire Confidence

Managing is easy. Getting people to do what you tell them that is hard.

... In his book “Simply Managing” Henry Mintzberg emphasizes the concept of “engaging management” in a way that utilizes a sense of respecting, trusting, caring, inspiring and listening to get the best of everyone in the organization.

Published: 19 Mar 2014

Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right and Center

“We have to leave behind the linear politics of left, right, and center, to understand that a balanced society, like a stable stool, has to rest on three solid legs: a public sector of political forces rooted in respected governments, a private sector of economic forces based on responsible businesses, and a plural sector of social forces manifested in robust communities.”

Read full paper:

Published: 14 Mar 2014

How Women Leaders Have Transformed Management

In a recent New York Times column, “How to Get a Job at Google,” Thomas Friedman interviews Laszlo Bock, the company’s senior vice president for people operations (which seems to be Google-speak for talent management). Bock notes that because constant innovation is increasingly a group endeavor, people who succeed in the company “tend to be those with a lot of soft skills: leadership, humility, collaboration, adaptability, and loving to learn and re-learn.”

Published: 7 Mar 2014

Le prof Mintzberg persiste et signe

Voilà 41 ans que le professeur Henry Mintzberg jette son regard critique sur les organisations, leurs stratégies et leurs leaders. Son 17e livre, sorti le 1er mars, est un fait un e-pamphlet, ou brochure électronique. Sous le titre Rebalancing Society, Mintzberg tourne cette fois son regard inquiet sur la société. Mais qu'est-ce qui trouble ainsi le sommeil du plus international des professeurs québécois de gestion ?

Published: 7 Mar 2014

The Strange Psychology of Expectations

When Facebook announced its astounding $19bn takeover of 55-employee WhatsApp, entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and other tech startup hubs around the world were shocked.

Published: 6 Mar 2014

Real Trouble

Don't go talking "real world" with Henry Mintzberg. It's a silly term that drives him mad, especially when management skills are at stake. 

"The word 'real world' is a red flag for me," says Mintzberg, McGill University's John Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies. "Real world is out there. You don't simulate a real world. We don't play business in our classroom."

Published: 5 Mar 2014

Market May Reward 'Greenwashing' Over Green Results

A growing number of people are interested in investing in companies that perform well environmentally as well as economically. Unfortunately, measuring environmental performance is not as straightforward as calculating a simple financial return on investment.

Published: 3 Mar 2014

Henry Mintzberg’s Un-MBA Management Program

Lili Hall (IMPM'13) came across the International Masters Program in Practicing Management (IMPM) by chance. She had considered MBA programs before, but the standard options seemed too formulaic. “Every time I looked at the curriculum, I’d get sad,” she says. As the founder and CEO of KNOCK, inc., a creative agency, Hall had already enjoyed a lot of professional success. She wasn’t looking to switch industries or climb the corporate ladder.

Published: 28 Feb 2014

5 Ideas for Crafting a Manager

The concept of leadership is always a big one in the nonprofit sector, and the facts of a looming retirement binge, as well as changes in the landscape, make the development of top-notch managers more important.

In his book “Simply Managing” Henry Mintzberg writes about efforts to help in the development of management in a variety of setting. He offers a look at the ideas that lie behind these efforts. 

Published: 25 Feb 2014


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