A call to curb cabotage in Australia

Published: 19 April 2017

In the Australian coastal shipping reform efforts, the discussion has come down to whether or not cabotage (the practice of using foreign companies for domestic shipping) should be promoted or...

Mintzberg on why the US can’t be run like a business

Published: 4 April 2017

In a recent piece for the Harvard Business Review, Desautels Professor Henry Mintzberg takes aim at US President Trump’s attempts to run the United States like a business, then demolishes them....

MBA no guarantee of long-term success

Published: 3 April 2017

Three separate studies, including one authored in part by Desautels Professor Henry Mintzberg, have concluded that the MBA is not the gateway to business success after all — findings that are at...

Andrew Potter, the debate continues

Published: 30 March 2017

Amid the fallout from former McGill Institute for the Study of Canada director Andrew Potter’s Maclean’s article about stranded motorists, the Globe and Mail interviewed McGill Principal Suzanne...

Atypic : agence dévouée au développement du secteur pluriel

Published: 16 March 2017

A commitment to change: nonprofits, business sense and research in action

Leadership lessons for today and tomorrow

Published: 16 March 2017

A recent post on Changeboard examines what leadership will mean for coming generations, seen through the lens of Brexit and Trump in the world today. The piece throws the question to leading...

Para construção de um novo Brasil: consulta popular, eleições gerais e Assembléia Constituinte

Published: 6 March 2017

Tenho dito que a corrupção é sistêmica e estrutural e não só no Brasil, como os sempre eloquentes vira-latas gostam de dizer por ai com ares cosmopolitas (aliás, esses não passarão de vira-latas...

A concept for a world free of political bullies

Published: 1 March 2017

In an op-ed piece for the Globe and Mail, Desautels’ Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies Henry Mintzberg decries what he calls our “era of bullies,” naming Trump, Putin and other strong-arm...


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