The dissertation of Desautels PhD alumnus Jose Carlos Marques (PhD'17) was selected as one of the three finalists for the Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Best Dissertation Award 2017.

Professor Paola Perez-Aleman and Professor Henry Mintzberg were the co-supervisors of his research.

Classified as: PhD Alumni, PhD Program, Henry Mintzberg, Paola Perez-Aleman
Published on: 18 Jul 2017

“We are drowning in information and starving for knowledge”

On May 25, 2017, more than 60 marketing academics in Canada gathered together for the 5th Empirical and Theoretical Symposium for Canadian Marketing Strategy at the Desautels Faculty of Management to present research ideas, provide feedback, and share commentaries. Through the conference, topics relevant to today’s changing markets, such as how news media portrays advertising and how firms conduct product recalls, were discussed.

Classified as: Marketing, PhD Program, Demetrios Vakratsas, Empirical & Theoretical Symposium
Published on: 1 Jun 2017

Amid the political anxieties of our time, Monia Mazigh’s latest novel, Hope Has Two Daughters, presents a historical milieu where some of the worst-case scenarios already exist. In 2010 Tunisia, press freedom is non-existent, with all major newspapers toeing the government line; human rights activists and journalists are often jailed; and Muslims are persecuted for openly practising their faith.

Classified as: PhD Program
Published on: 17 Jan 2017

AuthorsDivinus Oppong-TawiahYolande E. Chan

Publication: International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship


Classified as: PhD Program, Information Systems, PhD Candidate, Divinus Oppong-Tawiah
Published on: 12 Dec 2016

Carlos Rodriguez (PhD'15) has been awarded the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2015-2016 for his outstanding dissertation entitled "Global Subunit Specialization: An organizational perspective", which was recognized for its originality, as well as for its sound empirical work and practical results.

The topic of the dissertation addresses an increasingly important phenomenon in the international business world and uses a variety of methods, as well as theoretical perspectives to improve our understanding of it.

Classified as: PhD Program
Published on: 9 Dec 2016

Congratulations to Professor Samer Faraj and Dr Hani Safadi, PhD’14, on being awarded Best Published Paper 2016 by Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS) for “The Emergence of Online Community Leadership"

Read more about the winners 

Classified as: Samer Faraj, PhD Program, Information Systems
Published on: 19 Aug 2016

Authors: Hewlin, P.F., Kim, S.S., Song, Y.H.

Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology


Classified as: PhD Program, Youngho Song
Published on: 5 Feb 2016

Authors: Skarlicki, D.P., van Jaarsveld, D.D., Shao, R., Song, Y.H., Wang, M.

Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology


Classified as: PhD Program, Youngho Song
Published on: 5 Feb 2016

Desautels PhD candidate Feyza Guliz Sahinyazan won 2nd place in the Doing Good with Good OR -  INFORMS Student Paper Competition for her paper entitled, “Optimizing Mobile Blood Collection: Application in Turkey.”

The competition is held each year to identify and honour outstanding projects in the field of operations research and the management sciences conducted by a student or student group that have a significant societal impact.


Classified as: PhD Program, Feyza Guliz Sahinyazan
Published on: 30 Jan 2015

Professor Patrick Augustin has won the 2014 FNR Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis 2014 given by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) for his thesis entitled, “Essays on Sovereign Credit Risk and Credit Default Swap Spreads.” The FNR provides funding for all branches of science and the humanities with an emphasis on strategically aligned research domains.

Classified as: PhD Program, Patrick Augustin, FNR Award, PhD thesis, Luxembourg National Research Fund, Sovereign Credit Risk, Stockholm School of Economics
Published on: 15 Jul 2014

McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management has won the Research Excellence Award in the Primarily Doctoral/Medical University category at the 2014 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conference held in Muskoka, Ontario. This award reflects the highest contribution of research papers from PhD students and faculty of the Desautels Faculty of Management.

Read more about ASAC.

Classified as: PhD Program
Published on: 13 May 2014

Authors: Chung, Sunghun; Lee, Kyungyoung; Choi, Jinho

Publication: Computers in Human Behavior, 2014


Classified as: PhD Program, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 1 May 2014

Isolated attempts to curb the growing obesity pandemic are doomed to fail to reach their potential, according to recent research from the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University.

Classified as: PhD Program, Laurette Dube, Jeroen Struben
Published on: 8 Apr 2014

Authors: Bang, Youngsok; Lee, DongJoo; Bae, YoonSoo; Ahn, JaeHyeon


Classified as: PhD Program
Published on: 26 Oct 2012

Dr Pamela Lirio (PhD’11) received the distinction by the editors of Personnel Review as a Highly Commended Award winner of the 2011 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Human Resource Management category for her paper entitled: “Beyond the Expatriate Model: An Exploration of Global Work and Reconciliation of Work and Family Demands among Global Generation X Managers in Dual-Career Families.”

Classified as: PhD Program
Published on: 18 Oct 2012
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