Tim Hortons is not just a corporation, it’s a Canadian cultural icon.

But with international expansion and a wave of recent scandals, Desautels Faculty Lecturer Robert Mackalski comments on the brand’s ubiquity and what it will take for “Timmies” to regain the hearts of Canadians.

Read more in The Guardian

Classified as: Robert Mackalski, Marketing
Published on: 10 Jul 2018

Authors: Adrianne R. Bischoff, André K. Portella, Catherine Paquet, Roberta Dalle Molle, Aida Faber, Narendra Arora, Robert D. Levitan, Patrícia P. Silveira and Laurette Dubé

Publication: British Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 119, No. 11, June 2018


Classified as: Laurette Dube, Marketing
Published on: 4 Jun 2018

Authors: Kosuke Uetake, Nathan Yang 

Publication: Marketing Science, Forthcoming


We investigate the role of heterogeneous peer effects in encouraging healthy lifestyles. Our analysis revolves around one of the largest and most extensive databases about weight loss that track individual participants' meeting attendance and progress in a large national weight loss program. The main finding is that while weight loss among average performing peers has a negative effect on an individual's weight loss, the corresponding effect for the top performer among peers is positive. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our results are robust to potential issues related to selection into meetings, endogenous peer outcomes, individual unobserved heterogeneity, lagged dependent variables, and contextual effects. Ultimately, these results provide guidance about how the weight loss program should identify role models.

Classified as: Desautels 22, Marketing Science, Marketing
Published on: 4 May 2018

In his latest book, The Internet Trap, Desautels Professor Ashesh Mukherjee uses his latest research in consumer psychology to confirm what most of us already suspect: the Internet has changed our lives, and not always for the better.

“There are so many things happening – from fake news to privacy issues. You can see the Internet is creating problems at the societal level and at a personal one, and people are wondering what the big picture is,” says Professor Mukherjee.

Classified as: Ashesh Mukherjee, Marketing
Published on: 1 May 2018

Authors: Xiaoye Chen, Rong Huang, Zhiyong Yang, Laurette Dube

Publication: European Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming



This paper aims to investigate the impact of different types of corporate social responsibility (CSR; i.e. value-creating CSR, promotional CSR and philanthropic CSR) on consumer responses and the moderating role of corporate competence.


Classified as: Laurette Dube, Marketing, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 26 Apr 2018

Professor Ashesh Mukherjee appeared on Context with Lorna Dueck to talk about the pros and cons of social media.

Drawing from the findings in his new book, The Internet Trap: Five Costs of Living Online, he outlines some of the biggest drawbacks to social media use, which include the proliferation of fake news and feelings of inadequacy.

Watch video [as of 14:00 minutes]

Classified as: Ashesh Mukherjee, Marketing
Published on: 25 Apr 2018

April 4, 2018 marked the launch of Professor Ashesh Mukherjee’s latest book, The Internet Trap: Five Costs of Living Online, in which he uses the latest research in consumer psychology to highlight the five hidden costs of living online: too many temptations, too much information, too much customization, too many comparisons, and too little privacy.

Classified as: Ashesh Mukherjee, Marketing, bertrand cesvet, MBA Alumni, Desautels Global Experts
Published on: 19 Apr 2018

Author: Hamid Etemad 

Publication: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 16, No. 1, Winter 2018


Classified as: Hamid Etemad, Marketing
Published on: 6 Apr 2018

AuthorsHamid Etemad, Hamed Motaghi

Publication: International Business Review, March 16, 2018


Classified as: Hamid Etemad, Marketing
Published on: 3 Apr 2018

Author: Hamid Etemad

Publication: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15, No. 3, September 2017


Classified as: Hamid Etemad, Marketing
Published on: 29 Mar 2018

Author: Hamid Etemad

Publication: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2017


Classified as: Hamid Etemad, Marketing
Published on: 29 Mar 2018

Authors: Yongbing Jiao, Myriam Ertz, Myung-Soo Jo and Emine Sarigöllü

Publication: International Marketing Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2018


Classified as: Emine Sarigollu, Marketing, Myung-Soo Jo
Published on: 23 Mar 2018

Authors: Laurette Dubé, Pan Du, Cameron McRae, Neha Sharma, Srinivasan Jayaraman, Jian-Yun Nie

Publication: Technology Innovation Management Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 2018


Classified as: Laurette Dube, Marketing, Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 19 Mar 2018

“The world is too much with us,” the poet William Wordsworth said a couple of hundred years ago. He was reflecting on the Industrial Revolution, but his observation seems all the more relevant today.

Our lives have been rewired by a new revolution in the form of the Internet, and it has not only brought the world more upon us; it could also be said we are too much with the world.

Such is the conclusion Ashesh Mukherjee advances in his book The Internet Trap.

Classified as: Ashesh Mukherjee, Marketing
Published on: 12 Mar 2018


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