The Faculty members of the Division support, encourage and supervise clinical research conducted by medical students, residents and fellows within the McGill Community. In addition, we have ongoing collaborative research projects in the field of Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine with researchers from McGill as well as with investigators in the rest of Canada, the USA and Europe.
Inquiries from students and resident trainees regarding participation in clinical research within the Division can be directed to the Faculty members at their respective email or office addresses or by contacting our full-time Clinical Research Coordinator, Marie-Amélie Lukaszewski:
Marie-Amélie Lukaszewski, Ph.D.,
Clinical Research Coordinator in Vascular Surgery
Glen Campus - MUHC - Royal Victoria Hospital
1001 Decarie Blvd, CRC.4208
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H4A 3J1
(T) 514-934-1934, ext 35113
(F) 514-843-1730
marie-amelie.lukaszewski [at]
The Division is also an active participant in Industry-initiated or sponsored device trials. Requests from Industry or CROs regarding potential studies or trials can be directed to Marie-Amélie Lukaszewski at the above contacts or directly to one of our Faculty members.